Our New Hillbilly Home Tour...upstairs Bathroom/hallway
The main floor bath is behind the kitchen and beside the dinning room and stairs. It's not a bad sized bath in my opinion...plenty big enough for what we need it for anyway.
It's also the only other room (besides the dinning room) that got painted. The above photo shows the old paint, and for some reason I just couldn't STAND it in the bathroom. That's also what the dinning room looked like, and I probably could have lived with it in there...although I like my yellow WAY better...but I really hated it in the bathroom for some reason. There was also a wide fish border that we steamed off around the top of the room. (I know it's popular, but WHAT is it with "fish" for a bathroom? Never quite understood WHY it was so popular...but guess I've never been into having fish either. LOL) BTW, this is the ONLY photo I remembered to take (or actually have DH take) before we painted...and it was actually in the MIDDLE of painting. LOL We were in such a rush, I didn't get lots of before photos...and yes, I know...I SHOULD have gotten more. *roll eyes*
The mirror in both bathrooms could use a little help...this one we moved up, since it was taken down to paint. It's a lot better than it was, I can at least see my face in it, without standing on my knees (ok...slight exaggeration...very slight *giggle*) but I do miss the kind we had in the last two houses we lived in...they were big enough that we could have them up where WE could see in them, and still low enough for shorter people. Maybe some day we can change them...but I won't hold my breath on that point, least for anytime soon.
Least there was a linen closet in this bathroom...right inside the door. It's not to bad a size...although I do use it for household cleaners, lightbulbs and a few other things like that since I needed a place to stash them...and couldn't figure out any better place for them.
The little hallway that goes from the dinning room to the bathroom, with doors off it for the living room and guest room was perfect for the old chalkboard my Grandparents had. I hadn't been able to hang it up in Tecumseh, cause I didn't have a spot for it, so it was sure nice to see it back on my wall!! Kali used to draw on it, when it was hanging in Grandma's house when she was little...I have a photo around somewhere of her doing that.
The hallway also holds family photos, with room for more if we ever get more to put up. I have photos of my family over the guest room door (they used to be over the piano...but with the piano having to be IN the guest room, I put them in the hallway instead). DH's and I's photo hangs over an old photo of DH's ancestors. I love looking at that old photo, as I walk out of the living room.
Speaking of the living room...we will visit there next time, on our new Hillbilly Home Tour!

I love the lacy shower curtain in your bathroom. I wouldn't have liked that paint either. My sister-in-law painted her whole house in that splatter paint several years ago, each room a different color. She liked it but to me it looked terrible. The old chalkboard looks great hanging there.
ReplyDeleteThank You!! I had two of those lacy shower curtains that I used around our claw foot tub in Tecumseh...so now I have one for EACH bathroom, since we now have two of them! I fell in love with those curtains when we moved to Tecumseh...so just HAD to get them, even though they were a bit expensive. LOL Sure glad I had to have two of them now, since for the first time ever, we have two bathrooms...that way I didn't have to try and decide which bathroom got the pretty curtain. :-))
DeleteI have to agree the splatter "design" just wasn't my favorite...I sponged the dinning room, but I like that way of doing better...even if it is outdated. LOL
I would have painted over that paint too. It looks too messy for me... We have a beach/lighthouse theme in our bathroom, and a dolphin theme in the kids' bathroom... Though the kids' bathroom needs an overhaul. *lol*