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Thursday, January 14, 2010


First time Mom

Well good thing I got some photos of Yani yesterday, cause she had her puppies last night...and today!!! They are so cute!!!! I just adore puppies, they are one of my favorite things. All babies are wonderful, but puppies have to be the best, besides human babies of course. LOL (And anyone who has read my blog for a while knows how much I love our goat babies...so that should show how much I adore puppies!)

Good Mom

I heard the puppies before I even got the door to the part of the barn they are in open. They were all squeaking. The above puppy, is the first one I picked up and then got a photo of, and it wouldn't stop making noise, so Mom sat up and sniffed it to see if it was ok. She was a little worried at first, being a first time mom, but I'm mean and ignore that part, unless she gets TO WORRIED, and hold them anyway. LOL

Favorite marked puppy

So far, this is my favorite puppy, because I love the black on him (like his Dad has) and this one has the most black.


I sat and held it for a while, and it even stopped squeaking and curled up in my hand and went to sleep. I just couldn't put it down, and finally I told DH he would HAVE to take it from me. *giggle*

Two of the girls

There are 6 puppies now, three girls and three boys...the two black and white ones are boys. We don't know for sure if she is finished having them, but I'd think so...especially since this is her first time. She probably can't handle many more. LOL Since we are used to having Doxie puppies (although it's been far to many years since we have had any) these puppies are bigger than we are used to newborns being. Doxie's would be 3 or 4 weeks old to be that size if I'm remembering right. I can't wait to watch these grow though, and start playing together. Hopefully all goes well, and they all survive. :)

Papa Shadow

DH told me that Shadow, their Dad, was told in no uncertain terms this morning by Mom, to get out and stay out! *snicker* He has been getting out of the fences lately, I think Yani wasn't feeling like running and playing the past 2 or 3 weeks, so he decided to go looking for something to do...hopefully once Yani starts getting out more, he will start staying in again. LOL He isn't used to not having someone play with him...and is still to much of a puppy to want to just lounge. Thankfully he hasn't gotten himself lost yet. Course maybe the fact that he grew up here will help him stay around closer, least I'm hoping it will anyway.


Shadow and Tractor Buddy were hanging around while we were outside today, being cute together...least I thought they were.

Tractor Buddy

Speaking of Tractor Buddy....and babies....I kinda think she might be going to have kittens. Her tummy is rather round. LOL Hopefully she stays with them and keeps them warm, unlike some of the cats we have had around here in the last few years. I'm also hoping she has some really pretty ones...but won't hold my breath. :)

Ok, gotta go get supper, just had to share our puppy news! Sorry for such a photo filled post today, but I just couldn't resist. LOL There are even more of them on flicker, if you didn't get enough here. *giggle*


  1. I thought when I saw the picture of Yani yesterday, she looked like she was some what different. The pups must have changed position to get ready to be born. They are sure cute. Like you say, they are big compared to your little dogs or ours.

    We are sure enjoying our LGD pups. At almost 11 weeks, they weigh around 36 lbs., give or take a little bit.

    Have fun with them.


  2. Congrats on the new babies! They are adorable! I agree, baby puppies are the best (nest to human babies, of course!)


  3. The puppies are sooo cute (though I have to be honest and say that I prefer kittens. *lol*) ... And I LOVE the photo of Shadow and Tractor Buddy! That is one beautiful cat!



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