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Monday, November 14, 2011

Deer Season

Broke them in.

Deer season started this weekend, and yesterday we got our first deer given to us for the year. It was a little one, so didn't take us long to process it, but we got to use our new cutting boards to do so! They worked beautifully!!! :-))

Broke them in.

DH uses his at the sink (covering one side of the sink), so he can wash the meat and get it off the bone and not have the water get all over the floor. He didn't have any trouble with his board trying to slide around like past years, because it was thicker, and therefor heavier. It stayed in one place and made for less mess and a much nicer time getting the meat off the bones.

We had to go to a doc appointment in Omaha today, and did a little extra shopping for thanksgiving while we were there. When we got home we had another deer waiting for us to process...so we got the car unloaded and got busy with it. It took a little longer, as it was larger than the one the other day, but least we still managed to get done before bedtime. I am not real fond of having to stay up late to get the deer done...but we would if we had to.

Hopefully this is just the beginning...and we will get several more deer this week, gotta get our freezer full again, for the winter!! Praise God for the wonderful gift of fresh meat for our freezer! :-))

1 comment:

  1. It's great that people give you deer like that. That doesn't happen around here. *lol*



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