Missed Opportunities
It seems I always miss the "good" shots with my camera around here lately, especially when it comes to our doxie's.
I was working around the house this morning, trying to get my "list" finished up, when I walked across the dining room on my way to the Utility room. I looked over at Peaches who was laying in a sunbeam on the sewing room floor, and saw her with a ball in her "hands" playing with it. I thought it was so cute (even though I've seen her do it several times before) how she would hold the ball like a person would and play with it...it was totally off the floor, up in the air, between her paws.
I continued on and grabbed my camera in my office, turned it on, and walked back out like I was going back to the kitchen, with my camera pointed towards her...just in time to see the ball roll out of her paws, as she moved her head back to look at me.
*sigh* Missed Opportunities....if only I could carry my camera around with me all over the place, and have it at the ready...yet still get my work done. Maybe then I'd be able to capture the really "cute" photos I see happening, when I don't have my camera at hand. LOL
Oh well, least I can see it, even if I can't capture it. She is STILL such a cutie patootie. :-))
That happens to me all the time! *sigh* ... So many missed pictures and videos. If only...