Praising God tonight.
My hubby and Dad just got home this evening with the last load we are getting from Nebraska. There might be a few things left, that would have been nice to have...and were a few things we wanted, but were told we couldn't take...not sure why, since they weren't buildings, but they wanted to be asses, so we left them to be that without us...but we are almost out of money and certainly out of time to get more, so we will do without it.
I can't really recommend moving a farm...yet starting totally over wasn't an option since we didn't have the money to do that, so we moved it (it was cheaper than buying new). I'm just thankful the move part is over, so we can start to build and rearrange things (that just got tossed off the trailer, so another load could be gotten). I'm also thankful we are safely here now, with all our treasures...(trash to some people *giggle*).
The move was long...hard...eventful...troublesome...downright scary at times, but...God was with us, and got us we are now ready to start the next phase...that of building a new farm here in Missouri.
The move cost us lots more than expected...part of that was fixing the truck, when it decided to break an axle on us in the middle of it all, but with God's help, along with my families (and a friends) help, we got the truck and trailer home, and fixed up, so it could make a few more trips back to Nebraska. Praise God for helping us get it done, and keeping DH safe through it all.
During all this, we've been able to enjoy some of the fruits of our new farm. The blackberries were wonderful, although I didn't get tons of them, it was so nice to have some fresh blackberry cobbler. Now the peaches are getting ripe, and I've picked a few of them already...with more to pick soon! The grapes are getting plump, so I'll have to try and keep an eye on them, although I have no idea when they should get ripe. I'm hoping I can get enough of them to make a little jelly if nothing else. :-))
The heat has been horrible here, but thankfully we kept several window air conditioners, from before we had central air in Nebraska. They are manageing to help keep most of the house cool, even if I'm not going to enjoy seeing the bill come in the mail. LOL Hopefully it cools down next week, like they say it will be a nice break, even if it will still be a bit on the warm side...these 100+ degree days are wearing thin.
I think, with time, we will get this place in order, and be happy here. It's been so nice to see my parents more already, not to mention my other family. I may even grow fond of my new kitchen...even if it is smaller, once I get a bar added and my propane stove in...till then I struggle to not miss my old kitchen too much, and try to not think about how much I loved my old one story home. We are in a better place here for the most part...certainly when it comes to helpful family members we can count on when the chips are down and thats what counts the most in my book! :-))
So I'm praising God tonight, for getting the move part over with...keeping us all safe, giving us the help we needed, when we needed it, and most of all knowing what we needed, before we did, and helping us to get here safely. The comic relief we had a times was a much needed break from the hard work and stress of moving and kept us going (Seriously, the wedding weekend helped get me over some troubles, just from the fun, and giggles I got from it).
Now, we just have to manage to keep going, and get a barn built, not to mention all the other things we need to do before winter gets here. The pace won't slow down as much as it would be nice if it would...but with God's help, we will all survive.
Special thanks to my Dad for all his wonderful help with the fence and Mom for her tender loving care and shoulder to lean on when I needed it (and there were times I REALLY needed it!)...Kirk, DH's friend, for all those huge loads he hauled over here just for gas money and a meal, not to mention dragging the truck home when it broke brother for the use of his trailer, helping get Galen home the night the truck broke down, and his help with the unloading and the floor in my dinning room (when he finds time to finish it), Abbie and James for their help with packing and unloading the Uhaul, as well as Nathan our new nephew, who helped with some of the unloading and lifting of boxes. There were others who helped here and there and I'm thankful for them too, but these brave souls were the ones who we couldn't have made it without, and I'm sending up a special thankgiving prayer for having them in our lives. I know it wasn't fun, but you stuck by us, and helped us and for that I know we will be forever grateful...May God bless you 10 fold for all your precious help!
Thanks to all who have prayed for us, I know I didn't keep you updated on here to well...time just kept flying by and I've been so tired lately, that I haven't spent a lot of time on my computer...except for getting my niece's wedding photos fixed up and online, but hopefully I can start doing a little better.
We will see how it goes, with the unpacking, building and canning season that is coming up fast...if the garden does anything. I don't have much hope for our poor pathetic one, what the weeds don't kill the chickens seem to be getting, but my Dad's is looking really good, and since he is going to be helping DH with fence and the barn, I'll at least be helping Mom with her canning...even if I don't get to can to much for myself this year. If they have an over abundance, maybe I'll even manage to do a few jars of salsa or something like that that we enjoy. :-))
So...the bad blogging could continue...and the long, rambling posts I do manage from time to time...but eventually...maybe...I'll get back to posting more...till then, I just want to thank everyone for their continued prayers that we are able to get done what is really needed before winter.
Our Cows will thank you too, if they get their barn! :-))

Congrats on finishing the move, though it sounds like there is still a lot of work to be done.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad you had to leave some stuff behind. :(