Life is Good on the New Hillbilly Hill Farm!
It's hard to believe it's been a year now, since we closed the deal on our new farm!!
While I don't like everything better, about this new place, the good about is SO good that it far out weigh's the bad.
It's certainly been a year of change. Moving was the pits, it was LONG and HARD since we have so much junk...and we had to leave some of it behind, when we ran out of time and money for the long trips back and forth. The New house has taken some getting used's not as nicely laid out (in my opinion) as our other one,'s working and that's all that REALLY matters.
There are actually a few things I like better about this house...especially the fact that it was actually WARM most of the time in the winter...cause we could have it warmer with the wood furnace!! I don't think I've actually been "warm" in the winter since we got married! LOL Course that's MY fault, since I'm to cheap to turn the heat up above 70 when we are using propane but still it was sure NICE to have it warm inside in the winter for a change.
For the most part, once things settled down from the move, life has been good to us here. DH has made so many new friends...maybe not as close as the main one he had (and thankfully STILL has) in Nebraska, but more I think than he actually had in Nebraska...and that's only after living here ONE YEAR! I think he is more well known around here than I am...and I grew up here! *giggle*
In fact, yesterday when he was helping our new neighbor move, he got invited into their house with the rest of the Amish who were helping for lunch...and another "English" guy who was helping didn't, so I guess that shows how accepted he is in our Amish community. Who knew we had to move to an Amish community to find people who accepted our way of life more than most of his side of the family does! *roll eyes*
I don't get out much, (which is really NOTHING new LOL) I seem to keep busy around here and enjoy the peace and quiet and solitude, so I haven't made near as many new friends, but that's ok, it's the way it's been all our married life. I'm the quiet one (bet ya didn't know THAT one...since I do seem to blog to much at times *snicker*) and am happy to welcome friends if they come, but don't usually go out of my way to gather them in, cause I have the best friend I could find in my hubby...and that's all I really need, being somewhat antisocial like I am. *grin*
The one bad part about our move is we won't get to see some of the family who stopped in to see us in Nebraska...which I'll miss...but the family and friends who really care will keep in touch, and those who don't...well that's ok too. Guess we've gotten so used to family not wanting to really "KNOW" us and be around, that we have gotten used to doing without, as sad as that is. Besides who needs those who can't live with us being "different" from the rest of the crowd! I sure don't! I've been different my WHOLE life, and I'm proud of it! :-))
The best part about being here is we are closer to my parents, and while I don't get over there as much as I should, I do get to see them more than we used to and are here to help if they let us know they need it. With the warm weather here, I'm back to being a little busier so REALLY don't get out much...which is a different reason I don't get out much in the winter, cause then I don't like driving on snowy roads, but I'm here if they want or need me.
In the past year, DH with the help of my Dad OR friends like his friend Kirk, have managed to build a barn and most of his big workshop (yes he still has some to do on it...been busy with other things so hasn't been able to always work on completing it LOL), not to mention Dad getting a lot of the place fenced with electric fence...and DH doing a little woven wire fencing. They got rid of some trees (mostly scrub cedar) and turned some of those bigger cedar trees in to posts for the new shed by taking them to the neighbor's sawmill. (How cool is it that we could supply some of our own lumber for our building!) There is lots more to do around here, (especially fencing since we want to replace all the "temporary" electric fence when we can) once we get the funding but that will probably have to wait a while. Thankfully the farm has come together enough to be usable, and for that we are so blessed!
Who knew we could get so much done in a year! It's wonderful to live in the country and be able to enjoy the peaceful serenity that comes with it, without the constant fear of more "drama" rearing it's ugly head from one family member or another like we had in Nebraska (and here at first, till I figured out how to ban someone who liked to send us nasty grams on facebook). It's enough to make one do a "happy dance", this being able to actually enjoy our country life!
So...with a new farm, new friends (as well as some of the old ones) and new family activities like game night every month, we are enjoying the good life once again, here on Hillbilly Hill Farm! DH is still collecting his animals and tinkering with this and that and I'm still learning to make cheese, soap and other traditional foods.
We are both still lovin' the "simple" life and looking forward to seeing what the next year...or I should say the next years will bring! :-))

I am so glad that you've had such a good year, and a good move. :)