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Monday, January 30, 2006

About the Freebies

Since I only have one actual blog post for the month of Jan 2006 I am going to use this months dates to put special "pages" of notes...and other things I want to share! The old freebies I put in this month too, just so it wasn't up on the newer part of my blog.

About the Freebies...

I don't consider myself a "designer", as I don't make all that many things....I am just a layout artist who likes to dabble now an then. Freebies will probably be few and far between for several different reasons, one of which, is because I don't make all that much, so what I do make will mostly be put in my store. Any freebie's I do make will most likely, only be available for Free for a short time, so if you miss it, Sorry! There are a few....very few....freebies left in the google group, for any newbies, so you can try some of my things. I hope you can use them!

I have decided that I will put the freebie links on a page in my google group. The reason for this can be found here. I know this will be a pain, for some of you, to get my things, but MAYBE that way, someone won't decide they have the right, to take my name off my files, and offer them to people, as their own. Yes, its a big MAYBE, but I do have hope!! LOL I do have a mini kit, a frame set, and a qp set for free in my store, so people who want to try my things before buying can get something, without joining the group.

I LOVE reading the comments that you give me, and I Thank those of you who are kind enough to leave me one. They really give me encouragement, and there are times, that I could use all of that I can get! LOL Thanks so much!

Happy Scrappin'!


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I just wanted to thank you for all you hard work and generosity in sharing your talents with the less talented...

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Love your freebies. Thank you for sharing

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Love what I am seeing on your pages. Thank you so much for the freebies. You do some very nice things.

  4. Looking forward to being part of your group at Google!

  5. thanks for sharing all your lovely stuff :)

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Thanks for the fab kit, I love the lace.


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