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Saturday, November 04, 2006

I did manage some scrapping!

I didn't think I would get much Scrapping done today but I did the layout with my DH in it today. The other one "Flower Girl" I mostly did yesterday, with just a small bit this morning. I am not sure if all the colors really go perfectly together as I recolored a few things and I am not good with matching colors....but I kinda like them!

The Flower Girl one is me with my niece. I thing she was the cutest flower girl ever! Ok, I know thats just my opinion, but she was almost 15 months old and she did a great job! My Aunt Betty didn't think she would be old enough but she was really surprised (and I have another picture that shows Kali going down the isle and Aunt Betty in the background with a huge smile on her face watching her) when she did so well!! Both Mom and I knew she would do good! And the dress she had on, Mom made, and was just adorable!

The other layout has my DH on it. I love this picture of him, and always have to laugh cause of the pocket sticking out! LOL He was always good at making me laugh, and the wedding was no exception!

Credit for both layouts: Fairytale Medieval Wedding Kit by Blushbutter

We went to the neighbors house again today for the game, and yes I got roped into joining them! I crocheted while they watched the game, so at least I got something done, and didn't just sit there wondering what people saw in football! Its nice to be with them so I suppose I can handle a game now and then for the company! At least for them!

1 comment:

  1. Comments from old blog:

    dapperdoxie: Thanks for commenting Blush!! Mom is really good at sewing, wish I had gotten the desire to sew, cause I only do what I HAVE to do! LOL
    Nov 5, 2006, 07:47 AM (UTC -6)

    blushbutter (unverified): oooooohhhh aaaaaahhhh, beautiful work as always Deb
    I love all the blending all the colourising and all the quotes and your Mum is so wonderfully talented just like you, I can see where you get it from, what a family!!
    Nov 5, 2006, 02:23 AM


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