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Saturday, January 06, 2007


I did a couple layouts with pictures of my Grandparents on them today. The first one, is a picture where they are walking together (in Minnesota), which I remembered they did quite often, after Grandpa had his heart attacks. I can't remember if they did before that, but I remember it after. Grandpa is smiling in both of these, but the 2nd one you can see his smile better. I always loved his smile!

I used a kit (and an add on kit) by Tina Williams for these. I just love the papers, and elements, especially the paper I used on Memory Lane, isn't it beautiful?!!! I have quite a bit left from both kits, that I haven't used, so when I get the chance I will be doing more layouts!!! This kit is perfect for pictures of my grandparents.....or any of my heritage photo's.

Kit Credit: Treasured Memories and Add on by Tina Williams

I keep forgetting to mention, that Shawn (J3 Designs) has opened a new forum. So if you enjoyed it last time she had one, come join us! She has started a QP exchange, if you are interested in it.

My DH and I went in to town, this afternoon and bought his Birthday gift early. It wasn't major wonderful in my eyes, but some things he has been wanting! LOL I guess thats all that matters really! He got a new chicken waterer, and a large fencing tool, splicer thingy LOL, and another pair of pliers, name brand this time, as he said the cheap pair he had gotten a while back, didn't last long. Let me tell you, they weren't exactly cheap either! I mean the chicken waterer, and fencing tool....the pliers, was cheap compared to them. I am such a cheap skate, I know! LOL At least he is like me, and is very happy to get something he has been needing, for his birthday, instead of something he could live without! Course now, he can't get anything ON his birthday! Oh well, he is just lucky we had that much money, I would let him spend! (some of it came out of some money I was saving for a new router!) Oh well, hopefully we won't need the router, very soon!!!

I hope you are all having a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Comments from old blog:

    Tina (unverified): GREAT Layouts!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for using my kits! I love what you did with them
    Jan 17, 2007, 12:27 PM (UTC -6)

    dapperdoxie: LOL yeah, doesn't sound real exciting to me either, but he likes farm stuff, so I guess he likes it! I never mind getting something that I really need, like a vacuum (which I kill regularly for some reason) or anything like that, when its my birthday, so I guess thats kinda the same type of thing!

    Thanks for your comment!! I AM really lucky, my Uncle took LOTS of pictures before he died, and so now I have access to them, and won't run out of pictures anytime soon!!!
    Jan 6, 2007, 10:01 PM (UTC -6)

    anonymous (unverified): Your dh birthday shopping story made me laugh.a chicken waterer and fencing tool?
    Of course your heritage lo are wonderful. Your so lucky to have so many family pictures!
    Jan 6, 2007, 09:45 PM (UTC -6)


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