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Thursday, January 18, 2007

I just couldn't help myself! ROFL

I really couldn't help myself Katie! I went looking for a picture of my DH or I to use for this page, and I saw this picture, and it all clicked together in my head. I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do, and since that really doesn't happen very often, I just had to go with it!

Kit Credit: Savvey Pirates Kit by Blushbutter

Usually my layouts take time, and effort on my part, because I can't "see" them untill they are done. I don't usually know what I am going to do before I start...and then its just kinda well this will work, or hmmm this would be better. But this one, is one of the rare ones, that I knew right from the moment I saw the picture. Course it helped that the main background with the window and all in it, was done, but still, it doesn't usually fall into place so well in my mind, BEFORE I have even started!

I giggled all the way through it, even cutting out the picture (cutting out pictures isn't my favorite thing, but this time I didn't mind!) I got this done last night, and was still giggling when I went to bed. I know, its not that funny, but I can just imagine she is going to either love it....or want to kill me, and either way, it just doesn't matter, because I had to much fun with this layout!! I didn't post it till now, because I was hoping to work on another layout and put both of them up at the same time, but I started one, and got stopped....so if I do manage to finish it I will post it later, if not, its for another day. I just couldn't wait any longer to post this....so I can e-mail and tell her to look! So Katie what do you think? Ya going to wring my neck, the next time you see me?

I found the picture of Richard Dean Anderson online....I hope its ok to use it....I chose that one, because it wasn't quit as "close up" as some of the others and the background was better for being on a ship. If you could see the background it looks like he is standing with his back to the ocean...its just so light, you can't tell on here. Katie has loved him for years....so this is as close as I can get, to getting him for her, for her birthday. LOL So happy birthday (early, as I know its in Feb)! ROFL

Stop preening....he's just outside!!


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! I will have to think on it for a while and drool before I can think of a proper response. I don't suppose there is anyway to print it out, is there? Thanks for the early birthday present!!

  2. LOL I'm glad you really liked it Katie! I guess since you didn't mind it being posted as many places as I already posted it, I should go see about posting it in MORE places!!

    I am going to get a frame next week for it, (unless I loose my mind! LOL) and will print it out, and...don't know how safe it would be to mail with the glass on the frame, but may think about it. Unless you want to come for a visit!


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