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Monday, February 05, 2007

The Dentist

I had to go to the dentist today, so didn't get anything done. I had my first tooth (well except for my wisdom teeth, and they just got pulled because the dentist said I didn't use them, and come to find out I didn't, cause I never had trouble with having food get back there while they were healing)pulled today. I would sooooooo much rather have a filling! Hopefully it doesn't start hurting alot, so far its not to bad. If I feel ok tomorrow, hopefully I can get some scrappin done, but we will see. I need to clean some too! LOL

Oh and I went looking at my old stomping grounds the other day, DigiZines Digital Den, and noticed Teri has a club now, where you pay so much a month, and get several kits of the month. She is making a special kit for this month, (the first month) and its really beautiful!!! I commented on something on her blog, and she e-mailed me, and asked how I had been, and told me a little bit about the club and all. If you have extra money and like her kits (who wouldn't?! LOL) its a great deal, as there are several kits on the list of what you get just for this month!! She said its going to be alot of her heritage kits...or style of kits...so I can't wait to see them all come out. I know this month I already have several of what she is giving....since I was on her team...but there are a couple new ones. Even though I am not "on her team" I still love to see what she does, cause she has some really nice kits! So go check out her site if you get the chance, you will love them too!!

I hope all of you had a better day than I!! Have a good week!!

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