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Monday, November 12, 2007

Deer Season again

Wow, have I been having fun! Hmmm well today anyway, more about the last few days after talking about the layouts I managed to do today!!!

I used photo's that I took, on our anniversary trip to Brownville NE. We went and looked at an old house that was there, and saw how it might have looked in the late 1800's. I thought it was kinda neat, but I love seeing the inside of houses, and antique's. I made the photos on the first layout black and white, cause the house was kinda a strange orange and green color and I didn't think it looked good with any paper I tried. This way I could use what ever papers I wanted to!

Kit Credits: Heartstrings baby boy kit and Add on. Also Digital Essential Frame pack and Silver frames all by Blushbutter.

I haven't used so many different frames on one page....or two pages before, but really had fun with them. I used a glitter frame and a sanded frame on both pages (glitter and sanded frame twice on the 1st page) I used a glitter heart and star frame on the pages...just made them smaller and used them as an element not a frame...I used two plainer frames and a reel frame on the 2nd page...all those were in the Digi frame pack, then I used one of the silver frames from the silver frame pack on the first layout for the main picture of the house. Its been great to be able to get a little scrappin done, although it took me way to long to do these today for some reason. I think I need to get back into doing more layouts (I would if I could just find the time!!) because I think I'm forgetting how to do layouts faster! LOL Oh well, I had fun, and managed to get some more of this years pictures scrapped, so guess that's the important thing.

I haven't been able to scrap much the past several days, because we had a couple deer given to us, so I had to help get the meat taken off the bone, cut up, and then I canned several canner's full of stew meat. The canning of it is the long boring part, because I can't leave the canner to do its own thing, I have to watch it, and keep adjusting the stove, so it stays at the right temp, and doesn't blow up, or something! LOL

This is the first time I used my pressure canner, so I have to admit I was kinda nervous. Especially when we discovered (after I got it started) that the gage was not good. The little pin that the needle is suppose to rest on, was ABOVE the needle, so the needle couldn't move up, like it was suppose to. DH called the company, and they said they would send us a new one, and assured us that its the other thing that you put on top of the place the steam comes out, that we have to watch, and that it should rattle about 4 times a min...if it does more, we could run out of water, less, and it wouldn't be up to pressure. Well I managed 5 loads with the canner, and they all sealed, and the canner didn't blow up, so I guess it worked good! I just would have liked to have the gage, so I knew kinda how it was suppose to sound, when it was at the pressure it was suppose to be at. Oh well, as long as it worked, that's the important thing.

I really love this canner better than the one I remember Mom had when I was growing up. It seems safer, and less likely to blow up, and hurt someone. It also doesn't have a rubber seal that goes bad on you, so I don't have to make sure I have one of them on hand all the time. I didn't have to watch AS close to adjust the temp like I would have had to with Mom's, so could work around the kitchen some, just making sure I kept an ear open to listen to how much steam was coming out. Course with 5 loads, I didn't work around all that time, which is why it was boring! LOL Sittin there wondering what to do, isn't my favorite thing. I didn't want to read a book, cause I was afraid I would get into it, and forget what I was suppose to be doing, so I didn't do that, don't have a laptop, so couldn't get on the computer, so when I wasn't piddling around doing something like cleaning or cooking, I sat there bored...except for the last batch yesterday, I called my Mom, and we talked till it was done! LOL That worked pretty good, so I didn't have to watch those last few min count down, and wonder why sometimes time can fly by, and others it crawls.

Anyway, that's why I haven't gotten much done on the computer the last few days. I had some time off and on to be on it, but not enough to actually buckle down and get some layouts done. So since we didn't' get another deer today, I decided to just sit here and do a couple....even though they were going slow, so I was at it way to long. Now to see if we get anymore deer, before deer season is over. I guess my parents got a deer today, although it has to hang till tonight, or tomorrow because my Dad was out helping my brother on a job. I know a lot of people like to hang them, but we don't, fresh is much better to me than rotten! (Or even starting to rot, which is what it does when it hangs, or aged as they call it.) So they will be busy cutting it up, and my Dad has to do must of the cutting, as Mom can't with her hands...she does most of the clean up, and some packaging I guess now. It must take Dad a good long time to get it done, if he is the only one doing it though, cause we had both DH and I, and my SIL working on cutting it up and it still took us 5 hours to get it cut off the bone, packaged, and cleaned up...(that's not counting the time for the canner as that was an all day job basically). Course maybe my Dad is faster at it, as he has had way more practice! LOL Either way, I would kinda hate to have to do it all myself, although naturally I would if I had to. Thankfully my DH is more than willing to help, if and when we ever get some, cause he does love to eat it!

So now that I have bored you all silly....or lost your interest, so you left without finishing, which is more likely I know, LOL, I will say goodbye for now!! Hopefully I will be back this week with more layouts to post...if not, it could be because we got more deer! :) Have a great week!!


  1. OH NOT FAIR!! Now ya have my mouth watering for deer!! YUM!!

    And why would you think that we would be bored to tears and leave before reaching the end??

    LOVE both of the layouts!! Beautifully done!!

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I agree with Jay, didn't bore me!
    Oh my I cannot believe you cut up a deer, wow your an awesome woman!
    I love your layouts they are great and I think colouring the house black n white sounds like it was the best thing to do, those colours didn't sound to good to me!
    I'm so glad you got some scrapping done, and I agree after a short break it does feel as if you get rusty and forget a few things ;)
    tfs, hug's blush

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Hey i will have to come visit again and we will have to go there because I am like you. I love old houses like that and history so that would be fun. Love you!

  4. Lovely LOs. Looks like you had a wonderful day out. I love doing that kind of thing too.


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