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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thankful 2007

I stop and think about what I'm thankful for several times through the year, but this time of the year, with Thanksgiving here, I tend to do it even more. So I think its a great time to do a layout that shows a few of those things.

Last year I did a layout, you can see in this post, course we lost our oldest doxie (the red one) shortly after it, but I was glad I could include her in it, at the time. This year I wanted to do another one, only I thought I would try a photo collage...something I haven't done before, and now I know why! LOL I'm not real good at it, but its nice to try new things sometimes.

First and foremost, I'm most grateful for the wonderful man I married. He is such a gentle, kind, and caring man, and really takes great care of me. He is a hard worker, (to hard at times, with his bad back and knees) and has given me a wonderful home that I love. I'm thankful that we can enjoy time spent with each other, even if we don't do more than watch a movie, or sit and enjoy the peace and quiet.

I am thankful for family, and our animals, our fantastic home in the country, the beautiful views we have, and lovely sunsets and sunrises we get to see. Our new truck, and the fact that its red!! LOL That we have managed to make it through more trials, and are still here to talk about them, and know that God helped us through.

I'm thankful that I can Scrap a lot, which is something I love doing, and it gets something accomplished at the same time....preserving my photos, with information attached, for the future. Also for all the wonderful people I have met, because of my hobby, and the friends I have made along the way. The fact that I am on my Dream CT teams, and get to play with some of the best kits in the business because of it. And for all of YOU, my blog readers, who have laughed with me, and cried with me, over the past year. I love reading your comments, especially if I'm having a bad day, just knowing there is someone whom I have never met, who cares can help cheer me up. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments!

Kit Credit: Everything is by me....Doxie Designs.

Well I think I better stop for now, I have things to do! LOL Thats all for layouts till after Thanksgving. I hope to have a little freebie for you here tomorrow, that will only be available till Monday morning. Its someting new...well anyway new for me, and I would really appriciate some feedback on it!!

Take Care, and thanks so much for your comments!! Feel free to leave me one telling me what YOUR most thankful for...or a link to your blog, if you posted a thankful post on it. Have a great day!


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I think you did a great job on the collage... It's not easy to do those!

    Nice to have layouts to show what you're thankful for. :)


  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I love the way you did the LO Deb on an angle like that really neat. I also give thanks many times throughout the year. Today I am thankful for having my family close and safe. Also to be in a kind and sharing group, the group enriching the lives of anyone who has been or is a member. Thank you Deb for being such a kind generous soul.


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