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Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

I've been busy...ok not all week, but when I wasn't busy I was lazy, so I guess that means I didn't get anything finished up so I had something to show you all, which is why I haven't posted this week!

Monday of course was devoted to getting stock photos into the store, but the rest of the week has been...well one of those weeks I just didn't get to much done in, except for a little bit (tiny bit) of cleaning, cheese making, searching for a new book publisher....and reading. I'm in a reading mood for some reason, so have read a few books (I'm a fast reader) even though I should have been doing something else like cleaning or working on LO's.

About that searching...last weekend I worked on getting my finished books (Kali's & my 2008 books) all done and uploaded to the software ready to get them ordered. I was 3/4 of the way getting all the layouts into the software for my 2008 book when it wouldn't let me put anymore in. I e-mailed and asked if they had changed their number of pages they allowed since I last did the book, and was told that yes they had. Well that bites a big one, let me tell you! Especially with my rectangle layouts, because finding a new publisher for that size isn't as easy...especially when I want LOTS of pages AND a custom cover.

I did a bunch of searching....and e-mailing....and asked a lot of questions and think I've finally found a new place, that will print my book and will let me do a custom cover and have more pages...AND it appears that they will sew it too!!! I'm going to try them out, as soon as I can figure out how to upload my book to them, their site is giving me trouble for some reason, and the guy I have to work with isn't there today, so maybe Monday I'll find out what is going on. I'm not in a major rush, just want it done and out of my hair...so it doesn't really matter that I have to wait.

I'm sure I'll let you all know once I get the book, who I went with, IF I like the book and how it turned out. Not that I'm an expert on books or anything, but least it will be another choice for any of you who want more choices...cause it's not one of the usual ones I've heard about. They are a little more expensive than mypictales, since mypictales usually has a coupon that we can use, but least they will allow lots more pages in the books!

Needless to say I think I'm going to change to a square LO for my main yearly books now too, not just for the special projects. Mainly because then I may have a little more choice on who will print my books with a custom cover...although the choices drop when you get over 160 pages...there are still a few of them out there. That is why I did this LO as an 8X8 instead of a 11X8.5. The new company I found said they can do 8X8's too...although not 12X12...but the 12X12 seems like it would be to big for me, so I'm not to worried about them not doing that size. I really like the little 8X8 books I've gotten. :)

Anyway, this LO is one of the photos I took at my parents place and uses a new kit from Lara Payton! I had fun just playing for a change, instead of actually having to get as much done as possible...which is probably why I only got one finished. Well and this morning we were making cheese, so I couldn't play then.

Kit Credit: Affinity by Lara Payton.

It's finally gotten hot here, I really loved the cooler spring we had this year for a change, but knew it couldn't last. We have actually had our air on the last few days, I really enjoyed having the windows open and hate that we had to close them, but also want to be able to sleep at night, which I can't do if I'm to hot.

Anyway have a great weekend and Fathers day...and first day of summer!!

A Special Fathers Day wish goes out to my Dad, whom I love very much. I am a lot like him personality wise, which could be why we haven't always gotten along (ok, not that I get along with anyone ALL the time LOL), but through it all I've loved him and am so thankful that God gave me to him for a daughter. Thanks so much Dad for being there for us, and for loving me all these years! I hope you have a wonderful Fathers Day! I love you!! :)

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