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Sunday, July 05, 2009


Happy 4th of July!!

I hope everyone has had a safe and happy weekend. We have had a nice peaceful one here and enjoyed the fireworks our town put on last evening, on our hilltop. I got a few photos of them and just had to share a few, cause I was happy with them...beings as it was my first time taking fireworks photo's with my dslr...AND it was on manual! :)

Happy 4th of July!!

I just LOVE watching fireworks.

Happy 4th of July!!

They are so pretty. I'd much rather watch them than actually have to light them though, it's hard to enjoy them as much if you have to do that.

We almost never buy fireworks ourselves, since they are so expensive and we don't have any kids, we don't bother with that part of it, but I remember having them a lot when I was growing up. My Dad would bring home a bunch from work (he worked at a wholesale place that would have some around the 4th of July, so could get them at a discount...just another reason I was a lucky kid growing up. *smile*) and I had a lot of fun with them then....but now I just enjoy watching what others happen to light around us. We could see several people's fireworks from the top of our hill...naturally the town's display was what we spent the most time watching, but we enjoyed the others too. It's good having a tall hill to sit on at times!! :)

Have a wonderful week and if I'm lucky I'll manage a LO or two to share with you all...but we will see how things go. I got another rak from New Life's Dreams...I haven't picked out what I want yet, but I will try to get to that this week too...I really need to scrap with these beautiful raks I've been lucky enough to win lately! If you would like to see more fireworks photos there are a few more in flicker and another photo of one of the bird nests on our front porch, with the babies in it...they are all grown up now. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos! ... My camera doesn't take very good firework pictrues... But I still keep trying! *lol*


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