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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Growing up

It's On The Tip Of My Tongue...

I got some photos of our animals today, this one of Shadow was kinda cute. He is growing up on us, he isn't that cute little puppy anymore, he is now that cute big puppy.

Remember when we first got him and he was meeting Yani for the first time? How small he was compared to her?

Meeting the older woman

Now look at him! Course Yani has lost a lot of her thick hair, with it being summer, so she doesn't look as big, but still you can tell he is growing up! :)

You Wanna, Or Should I?

How about Star, remember this cute photo I shared when she was just a few days old?

"Mom, help me out here!"

Now look at her, she is not as big as her Mom yet, but she is getting there! (Star is the goat with the brown head to the right of Showgirl (her mom...with the black head...sorry I didn't get a better photo).

I'm Baaack...!

Then there is Bossy's boy, here he is with his sister when they were just a few days old.


And now here he is today. Still cute but growing up. Hard to see since there is no reference beside him but trust me he isn't that to adorable baby anymore, although I think he is still really cute.

Where's My Mommy?

Bunny's baby then....

All This Green Stuff...

And now...not as much difference with him, as there isn't as much time between the photos. But he is growing up, although he is still the cutest little imp we have....so far! LOL

Bunny's Boy

Speaking of growing up...here is a photo of the babies who grew up on our front porch, this was taken just a day or two before they flew away for the last time.

Baby Birds growning up

The passing of time can go so quickly it seems, but through all the good and the bad, watching the little ones grow up here on our farm with my DH brings me joy and gives me peace.

I hope you enjoyed the then and now photos, and have had a great weekend! Ours was really nice. Have a wonderful week. I'm leaving you now with another of my favorite things...a beautiful sunset from last week. :)

Beautiful Sunset

1 comment:

  1. Yep! ... Lots of growing going on over there! Great pictures!

    Did I tell you that I moved my blog? It's here now: http://scrapgrrl.com


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