The excitement for today
This little blue bird came to visit us today. Well who knows, he may have came before today, but we just didn't know it. LOL This morning as we were using our cream separator we both heard something chirp but couldn't tell where it was coming from, because of the noise the separator was making.
Later, when I was cleaning up I heard fluttering and could tell it was coming from our wood cook stove so figured a bird had got stuck down in the chimney...then heard it again and since I was standing right by the stove could tell it was IN the stove.
DH opened the stove and the bird flew out and naturally we had to get some photos of it since it was such a pretty blue. I'm just glad I heard it and we were able to get it out of there before it died...and that we weren't using the stove either. Once we were finished getting photos of those beautiful blue feathers we opened the patio door and it flew out. Oh yeah and ummm I know some of you will think it's sad that THIS is what we call excitement around here...but what can I say, I'm easy to entertain and this was something new so it's our "excitement" for the day. LOL
It's been rainy all day today and kinda chilly. But least it's not snow like western Nebraska is getting. The leaves are dropping fast, with the rain although there are a few that are still green. I'm sure the farmers who still have crops in the fields aren't to happy about the rain...hopefully they will be able to get their crops out soon.
Well hopefully you all have had a good week, it's seemed a little short here...but what else is new. LOL My Dad is out for a day or two, so not sure if I'll be posting till next week. Have a great weekend!

That bird is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBut I can sure tell you are MUCH braver than I am... One time a bird flew through our open door into the house, and I FLIPPED OUT! *lol* Thankfully, it just flew around the kitchen once, and then went right back out the way it came. *lol*
I am SUCH a wimp! *lol*