We made a quick trip over to my parents this weekend, had a lot of fun and got several photos I'm sure I'll be sharing once I have a chance to go through them and get rid of the rejects and upload them to flicker. However I had to share a funny yet mortifying event that happened on the way home today. I also have to say it was EXTREMELY MEAN of my DH to embarrass me like this...although I did laugh about it! LOL
I have to give a little background...this photo shows my brother and a hat he wore this weekend. My niece and I were teasing him about it and I made the mistake of saying it was an old man's hat. NOT that I don't think some people look just fine wearing them,but since I'm used to DH and my brother wearing ball caps or hats with a brim all the way around it I have to say they look a little funny in that hat. The photo isn't the best...and is cropped a lot (so REALLY doesn't look the best) as I was just wanting to show the hat, not my brother acting silly (which he was doing to the embarrassment of his daughter ROFL). I have even told my DH that no I didn't think he would look good in this type of hat, cause he likes them himself.
On the way home today we had discussed the hat again, laughed at my Brother embarrassing my niece and DH told me (again) that he didn't think the hat was an "old man's hat" with me disagreeing with him as I was chuckling. That comment I made, of it looking like an old mans hat isn't really something I would say to just anyone (well it wasn't till now) because I would figure it had a chance of hurting their feelings if they were older and liked that type of hat. I love older people, they have a lot to teach us younger generations so would never want to hurt their feelings intentionally.
We stopped at a convenience store to use their facilities and grab something to drink when that mortifying moment happened. Keep in mind that I really hate "hurting" people's feelings and even after 18 years of marriage somehow forget that DH isn't adverse to embarrassing me by telling others (even complete strangers) things I have said. I've gotten better about laughing with them and not minding...but...sometimes... like this one, it's hard.
I walked out of the Bathroom just in time to see DH holding the door of the store open for an older gentlemen before he walked in himself. The Gentleman had one of "those" hats on that we had just been discussing and I (stupidly) walked up to DH and whispered "See! Case in point!" while kinda glancing at the older gentleman. Meaning "see it's and old mans hat!". DH grinned and a little later I heard him telling the gentleman that he liked his hat...*pause*..."my wife won't let me wear one".
*groan* That comment was bad enough but then DH looks at me with that cheeky grin of his and says "Tell him WHY you don't like them."
I looked at him for a second while I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that he was being so mean as to totally embarrass me ON PURPOSE in public...with something I said that could hurt someones feelings. If my jaw didn't actually hit the floor it's amazing cause I was flabbergasted for some reason. Once my mind accepted the fact that he really WAS being a total meany I looked at him and said "SHUT UP!"...with laughter in my voice cause yes I could see the funny side but there was NO WAY I was going to tell the gentleman that I thought it was an old mans hat and I was hoping I could also get the point across that if DH knew what was good for him he wouldn't either.
DH laughed and walked a little ways away (probably hoping I wasn't going beat him senseless cause he could tell I wasn't real happy with him even if it was funny *giggle*) and somehow I managed to laugh my way through the rest of the conversation with the gentleman and not have to tell him. He left shortly after and we went to check out and the girl that took our money laughed with us and agreed with me that it was an old mans hat, when DH told her WHY I didn't really want him to wear a hat like that. I didn't mind so much her knowing after all she was young....and a girl! LOL (I know I have odd ideas...what can I say)
We got back on the road without DH coming to harm, I did laugh about it (after all it was funny even if it were embarrassing enough to have me entertaining the thought, however briefly, of beating DH senseless. *giggle*) even while I kept gasping at the audacity of him bringing it up, in front of total strangers...although really I should know by now that he LOVES to do things like that and I should be used to it but somehow, sometimes, I'm still surprised when he drags something out in public like that. I have promised him that he will pay though....although haven't thought of just how to MAKE him pay....which means he probably won't, cause I will probably forget before I think of a way! *snicker*
I hope everyone had a good weekend, we did, even with the funny mortifying (for me) episode. LOL I'll try to come back tomorrow and post more about our weekend, I have to get the photos onto flicker before I can we will see how fast that happens. If I'm lucky I can actually manage that tonight...but I won't hold my breath.
Thanks so much for all of your comments both on my blog and through e-mails about the butter post, I enjoyed reading them. :)

I think I would have DIED! *lol*
ReplyDeleteHe looks rediculous....oh my. Then he had Michael doing it. The men in my life lol......Gotta love them all tho! But you wonder why i was embarrased, LOOK at him lol
ReplyDeleteKali, I think it is a cute picture of your Dad. Much of the time, when he gets his picture taken, he doesn't smile and looks so stern or something. I really like this cause you can tell he is having a good time. LOL
ReplyDeleteGood picture, Deb