Strawberry Jam
I've been busy so far this week...not looking good to get some scrapping in, but there is always hope for later in the week....I just won't hold my breath as Thursday and Friday are usually the hardest days for me to get any scrapping time any more for some reason.
Sunday DH and I went to a strawberry farm and picked 30 pounds of strawberries. I had no idea how many I would need to have enough to munch on...and some for jelly, so we got as many as we could pick...which wasn't as many as I had kinda wanted to, but I'm glad we didn't get more because as I found out, they go further than I thought they would. LOL
Yesterday I canned 30 jelly jars full of Strawberry Jam. I was beat by the end of the day, between the picking on Sunday and cleaning Sunday evening as well as the long afternoon of canning. Thankfully my wonderful hubby took pity on me and cooked supper last night...cause I'm not sure if I could have by the time I was done. Not sure why I was quite as tired as I was...but I'm not used to standing ALL day without a break, and I didn't get much sit down time. Plus it was hot in the kitchen, even though we had the air on...standing over the hot stove wasn't helping. LOL
Course now we have enough Strawberry Jam to last us a good long time...because we don't use that much jelly. *giggle* I love strawberry Jam on biscuits, but that's not something I make much of...I may have to try it in yogurt, but I've been using frozen strawberries for that and am not sure the extra sweet strawberries would be something I'd like in yogurt. Oh well, I'm sure it will get used eventually. Course I am still hoping to make some Cherry Jelly too...which will add to our jelly stash. LOL I can't help myself, I just LOVE making jelly. The jars are so pretty once you are done. *giggle*
Today I started the day out by looking for more room in my pantry...taking some things out to get rid of, and moving things around. I also had to clean up the kitchen a little and do the dishes I didn't have a chance to do yesterday. Then we got a call from a SIL saying she would be stopping for lunch with one of our nieces, so that put a stop to my pantry rearranging. That also means I didn't get my Jelly put away, but I guess there is always another day. It does look kinda pretty sitting on the wood cook stove. :)
Needless to say, I haven't had much of a chance to get outside the past couple days. I did make it out yesterday morning while DH was milking, so I could see Daisy before my day got to busy to even think of going anywhere. I noticed that Daisy is getting puffy under her that is a good sign that she is getting closer to having her baby!! Her bag isn't a balloon yet, the end of the month we should have the first calf born on our farm running around...if all goes well!! I'm praying that she doesn't have any trouble, and that she has it when we are here...I can't wait! :)
We also need to draw some blood from Mabel, and send it in to see if she is with "pup" or ummm calf, since she was AI'd a couple months ago now. That should be fun...NOT. LOL Least we have seen it done once now, so that should help. Poor Mabel, having to be the first one to get stuck by DH. If she led well, I'd sure be tempted to load her up in the trailer and take her in and let the doc do his's not to much more expensive, and we wouldn't have to traumatize her with a needle. *giggle* Oh well, guess that's the price she pays since she won't let us lead her with a rope...yet anyway. :)
Well I'll leave you with a sunset I caught the other night. I saw it from my office window, so had to go snap a photo of it. It was brighter than we have been having. :)
Hope everyone is having a good week so far! Take Care.

OMGoodness! That sunset picture is STUNNING!!! (MUST get a better camera! *lol*)
ReplyDeleteWhen we lived in our tiny house in Portland, which had about 2-3 feet of counter space (TOTAL!), I used to make jam every year... Now we live in a nice house, with a big kitchen that has oodles of counter space... And I haven't made jam since... I have no idea why! *lol* ... I would like to get some blackberries and raspberries this year, and make some for Joe and the kids. :) (Josh and I only eat grape jam *lol*)
The strawberry jam looks real good. I wouldn't have had any idea 30# would go so far either.
ReplyDeleteYour sunset is sure pretty and bright.