Seriously Cute BarnYard
We woke up and found a new baby girl outside this morning!! She is SO PRETTY, because she has a lot more black on her!! She is Carmel's girl, and gets the black from her father although he is ALL black. Carmel is a traditional looking Boer goat with a white body and brown head, which I like, but both DH and I like a little more color on our goats too, so were really happy we could get the Billy we have now...and I just love his good looking kids!
I think this one must have hit the ground running, cause she was already jumping around playing when DH found her this morning. She also is at least as big if not a little bigger than the ones born last Sunday...course being an "only child" that's not to surprising. After loosing the little girl with a black head we had on Sunday it was sure nice to find this little beauty this morning!
The little girl from Sunday wasn't a big surprise, she laid around a lot, so we were kinda expecting her to not last long. Sometimes they just do that to us...although I certainly would rather loose the boys that way, than the girls. The sister of the one who died is doing ok so far we think...she might be behind the 8 ball a little, but is catching up now that she gets all of Mom's love and attention. LOL Hopefully we won't loose anymore of our little girls.
I wasn't actually surprised that Carmel beat Showgirl to having her baby, because I had seen that she was bagging up and asked her if she was going to be next. She didn't say anything, but somehow I just knew she probably would...since Showgirl is taking her time. LOL
We took Carmel and her pretty little girl over to the barn so the little one has a chance to get bigger before roaming the summer pasture and as soon as Daisy saw the baby she ran (didn't walk) to greet her. Daisy especially is so infatuated with the babies.
It's so cute watching her with the babies...but kinda worrisome too, so we moved the goats around to the back of the barn instead of the side, so the cows couldn't bother the babies...and the babies would get out more, and get stronger.
When Daisy was greeting the new little one, she almost got stepped on when Daisy tried to get Mom away from it, so we knew it was time to put a stop to her access to the babies. I told her to get busy and have her own, so she didn't have to try to adopt all our goat babies...but she ignored me and just looked longingly through the fence at the two little girls, doing the low "moaning" or "mooooing" she likes to do sometimes. Poor Daisy...I almost felt sorry for her. LOL
More baby photos on flicker...just click on the cat in the side bar. :)
I've got it bad...I almost NEVER give up my cream unless I just have to have some for something we want to make, most of it goes for butter...because we don't get enough milk to have it coming out our ears yet. But since we ate the last of that mozzarella cheese this morning, and didn't have enough milk in the fridge to make more unless I left the cream on it...I decided to make some more today with whole milk...and just forget about making more butter today. Hopefully it turns out as good as the last batch did! It's in the cold water now cooling down so I can put it in the fridge. The last batch did have some cream...just not ALL of the wonderful Jersey cream. I suspect I'll be making more next week too...the hayfield will just have to wait for Daisy to start milking at this rate. *giggle*
***This just in... I typed this, Showgirl had her babies...and she had three of them! These are the first triplets from the Boers that we have had...course they can be hard to keep all of them, and I'd rather have one or two healthy ones than loose one or more because of them being triplets, but hopefully these will all do ok. There are two mostly black girls (Like their Dad), and one black and white girl...can't wait to be able to get a better photo, but since they were so new we didn't want to move them to the barn yet...and it was kinda dark back in the back of the shed she had them in. No wonder we thought Showgirl was big enough to have her babies a few weeks ago...since she had three, cooking in there. *giggle* Hopefully I'll be able to get some better photos of these three cuties this weekend...once we get them moved, and they get up and around more.
That leaves just one more to kid I think...least that we KNOW is suppose to. We don't know if the other two we have are going to...they don't look like it, so we are figuring they aren't...hopefully they will surprise us one of these days. LOL Annie the other kinder is bagging she should in the next few days too...or week or two, if she is like Showgirl. *giggle* Hopefully she has girls, since her sister had we can get some more kinder blood a going since we like their milk...even if they are part Boer, it would probably still be good.
It's times like these, that help make up for the losses that are all part of farming. It's always hard to loose our animals, no matter if we have had them for years of just a few days, but that's when I try to remember the joy we get when we have all these births...and believe me, there is lots of joy here today! :)
Anyway, I better stop gushing over all our babies, and get off here. The hay is all baled now, and in the barn! Praise God for his many blessings...more hay for winter, beautiful babies to enjoy in the barn and this dream life we get to live on the farm with Gods animals all around us.
It's Heaven on Earth. :))
How sad that one of the goats died. :( ... I hope the triplets make it!!!!