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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Our Baby Boy


Our sweet little baby boy (as I like to call the doxie pictured above) has been REALLY sick again for the last few days. We have had all the testing done that we can afford but they don't know what is wrong and we can't afford to keep having more done, so he is in God's hands now. We have an IV to give him fluids since he can't even keep water down, and that's about all we can do. If it continues much longer we will have to discuss the dreaded final act of mercy...which breaks our heart.

I hate seeing him so sick...I'm not sure which is worse, thinking about having him put to sleep...or watching him suffer. I'll try to keep you updated on his progress...and God willing he will get better and keep us entertained for a few more months...or even years. Ever since he was so sick a few months ago, and we found out he had a heart condition I knew we were probably living on borrowed time, but not knowing what is wrong this time makes it harder to accept.

I know I don't talk about our doxie's as much as I do the other animals...but they are truly our first love when it comes to animals and are our babies since we haven't been blessed with any of our own.

Get better little buddy...we love you.


  1. Okay, NOW I'm becoming very worried. Could all this heat be bringing another serious/fatal illness.

    You're not the only one, Hon. Abby Ham, one of our WBIR anchors is having the same trouble with her dog. Not the same breed. But the same trouble. And he's a house baby, too.

    But I do have to ask... do you have carpet and do you use any kind of carpet deodorizer, etc.?

    I'm so sorry y'all are going through this. I sure hope he gets to feeling much better - very soon.

  2. We have carpet in three rooms...and nope I don't use the carpet deodorizers, guess I'd rather smell some things than try to kill ourselves with the junk they put in them.

    I don't know how it could be the heat, when it's hot they spend most of the time inside where we have air...but I just don't know. Autumn seems to be doing fine, so don't see how it could be something they ate. Rascal has had sick spells before, which is how we found out he had a heart problem, but this time it's different because he is throwing up a lot or trying to and before he didn't do that.

  3. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that your dog is sick. :( ... It's very hard to lose a pet!

    Hope he gets better.



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