It's to soon for my liking, but for Autumn's well being, we thought maybe it would be a good idea to look for a puppy. First of all, having just one dog, we tend to over spoil the one remaining dog...and believe me, Autumn's spoiled enough already! *giggle* Plus, we have always had another dog, with Autumn...first Crystal, then Crystal and Rascal...then just Rascal, so we didn't want her getting lonely.
We also knew we would want one eventually...and if Autumn got used to being extra spoiled, it would be harder on her to accept a new puppy (not that it's going to be real easy now). After having Crystal not "speaking" to us for two weeks (she actually turned her back to us and wouldn't look at us when we first got Autumn), because we got Autumn when she had been an only child for several months...we decided it would just be best to start looking now. Course I didn't expect it to be real easy to find a dachshund puppy...and you KNOW that's what we had to have.
This in no way replaces Rascal, we are still grieving for him, and won't forget him, but we have Autumn to consider, and figured things might go better if she didn't have a chance to get used to having ALL our love and attention.
After praying together, that God would find us the perfect one at a price we could afford (doxie's aren't always cheap around here usually...or for that matter easy to find) we got to work and started looking online. DH looked in the newspapers, craigslist & googled Nebraska breeders with no luck, so he branched out to surrounding states, just to see what was available and prices. We figured we would have to pay at LEAST 200-300 for a puppy (if we were lucky)...and weren't surprised to see most of the ones we did find going for more, which would be difficult for us to do right now. (There was even a place that were selling them for over $1000...Yikes! HOW could normal everyday people afford that...and for that matter, why would they want to?)
DH wrote down a couple prospects, (one was a breeder, and the other a private person who he found in the classifieds of a newspaper in Missouri) and we contacted the private seller...since I prefer a family raised pet if possible...and found out she had three girls and they were only $100, which meant I could find no excuse to wait even a week or two...because finding another at this price would likely not happen, even Crystal, who was our cheapest doxie was more than that. Praise God for answered prayers...even better than I had dreamed of!
No they didn't have AKC papers, but as long as they are actually purebred dachshunds we don't care...papers just mean you can sell them for more, they don't mean they are better dogs. After all, Crystal, who is probably one of the best dogs we have had in some ways didn't have papers. We just want mini dachshunds, which is why we have usually had papers, since finding them without is harder than finding papered ones...which is hard enough.
So there we were, less than 24 hours from losing our beloved fur child, going on a road trip to north eastern Kansas (1-2 hours away) to look at puppies. YES I LOVE puppies, but...they take so much time, and with still planning on canning some things this week I really didn't want to have to find time for a new puppy too...but I guess I will, cause we of course got one! LOL
Meet Peaches...she was born July 28th and is already getting used to us, and playing...when Autumn doesn't ruin the fun. LOL (btw, look at the puppy, not the floor...with being so busy lately, my floors are sadly neglected.)
I was kinda hoping to find a black and tan, like Autumn, and there was one, but this little red one stole DH's heart, and I agreed she did have the cutest face, so it wasn't to hard to not choose the black and tan. Besides, like DH said, the black and tan one's face reminded us to much of Rascal, when I held her up to look at her, and it was to soon for that.
Hopefully we can get Autumn over her jealousy, or over the biggest part of it...the nice thing is, she is still talking to far anyway. LOL Autumn is used to being the center of attention though, even when we had Crystal and Rascal, Autumn was the one who did things to make us laugh the most, and she thinks that my giggles belong to gets mad, when I giggle at the new puppy.
She also isn't to gentle when it comes to reminding the pup where she isn't allowed...under my desk is Autumns domain, and I don't mind if it stays that way, especially since there are cords under there that don't need chewed I'm thinking, till the puppy gets a little older and able to hold her own, we will have to keep them separated if we go somewhere, just in case Autumn gets over zealous in her bitchiness. I'm sure Autumn will get over it, it took Crystal a while to, and she didn't have the bitchy streak that Autumn we will just have to give Autumn time, and attention...and hopefully they will be playing in no time...Autumn has wanted to, when she forgets herself. LOL
So now that we have a new puppy, we get to enjoy sleep deprivation...puppy kisses....potty training.....puppy kisses....chewed items....& did I mention puppy kisses? Course then there is that sweet puppy breath, watching a puppy play...which is VERY entertaining & seeing a new personality emerge all of which help make up for that sleep deprivation, potty training and the chewed items we may have. LOL
And YOU may have to put up with a lot of puppy pictures...if not on my blog, they will probably be on flicker! LOL I usually take more photos of growing puppies, than the full grown dogs, cause they change so much in the first few months...and not so much after get ready to watch our newest addition grow up! :)

If it's not a dachshund, it's not a dog! ;-) Peaches is adorable.
ReplyDeleteShe is so cute.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute Puppy! ... Hope Autumn accepts her soon! :)