I know this post is about my scrapping plans...but I just had to share this cute photo I took this afternoon. Autumn loves to go hang her head over the patio looking for any movement of bugs or toads or anything that catches her interest, so she was doing that and Peaches stopped what she was doing and went over to see if she could see what was so "interesting" to Autumn. She finally gave up and went on but it was kinda funny and cute.
About my Scrapbooking plans...I've been thinking that I'm going to have to change the way I do things with my scrapping, since I don't get near as much time to do it as I used to...least during the summers. So I've decided, for the most part, my yearly photos will most likely just be put into books, without being scrapped so I can concentrate on other projects I've been wanting to do, which could keep me busy for years to come. LOL
I'll still scrap some of them, after all I want to try to scrap the ones of our nieces and nephews so I can put them in a book for them when they are older...and I'd rather keep up with them, than have to go back and do them in the future...well keep up as much as possible that is. LOL
Other Projects I'd like to work no particular order are...
Wedding photos. I have them all in an album, but it would be really nice to have a book of scrapped photos, just because they are extra special to me.
Heritage photos. My Uncle put them in an album...but it would be nice to take them and put them into a book with other info and stories. We have SO MANY old photos thanks to my Uncle spending lots of time gathering them together for both of my Dad's parents. I have a few on my Mom's side too...and even a few from my DH's side. The Heritage books alone could take YEARS to do. LOL
Cookbook. I've been wanting to get my favorite recipes into a printed book, with at least one photo of the finished product. This project could take a while too, cause I have to remember to take a photo of the finished project...and I'm always on the lookout for recipes that I love. LOL
Stories I wrote. I wrote memories of my Uncle, shortly after he died that I would like to actually get into a printed book, as well as the story I wrote about my Grandparents life...granted they aren't fantastic literature or anything, but they tell about people I love and they are something I'd like to pass on to my niece so maybe they won't be forgotten.
Subject books. Eventually once I get a few of the above projects done or at least started, I might even do a book with just doxie's...or butterflies....or cows....or goats....or something like that in them. That's not a priority thing, but is something I might do sometime so if I want I can print them into books.
I've been thinking about this for a while now...just hadn't totally decided to do it, till just lately. I really would have liked to scrap all my yearly photos, but time runs out around here and I take to many photos to make that possible with little time. I enjoy taking photos, so can't make myself slow down on that I'll just have to live with them in plain books, instead of on pretty pages. It's important to me, to get my photos into books with info, so they don't get lost forever...or the info doesn't get forgotten. My Uncle taught me to do that, and I've not been able to comfortably forget that lesson. LOL
I will of course, continue to scrap pages for my CT teams...even using my yearly photos if they are ones that would look good with the kit. Speaking of that...I really have to get back to using Blushbutter's & Dusty Bear's kits, thankfully they are really understanding and haven't been upset that I've been so busy...but I gotta get back to scrapping with their new kits. I can't believe how little I've managed to scrap this year, who knew I'd get busier so I couldn't as much. LOL
So, hopefully you will start seeing a few pages now and then, least once winter hits, for my "special" projects...maybe that way I can actually start getting back into scrapping. I think getting so behind on my photos was making me not even want to do to much of it, because they just aren't as fun as one of the other projects I want to do...or have done in the past. LOL I still love to scrap...just don't want to feel I'm getting behind in my scrapping, so we will try this. :)

I need to do something like that too... I am SO BEHIND! *sigh*