Just when you think that this cute little puppy is a sweetheart...loving to one and all...she starts growing up and coming into her own. LOL
Don't get me wrong, she is still puppy, and afraid of Autumn at times. She got pounced on just the other day...and while that kinda thing doesn't happen as often as it did, Autumn can STILL be a grouch. Course Autumn has also been playing with her more, which is good.
However........when Peaches is on my lap, and Autumn wants to be, I've noticed Peaches snapping at Autumn and trying to keep her away from me. *giggle*
Poor Autumn...I've actually felt sorry for her a time or two, cause she wants my attention too, and doesn't fight back, when Peaches is on my lap trying to keep her away. It's odd, how she is top dog usually...except when it comes to being told to keep away from me by the little pip squeak.
I'm trying not to laugh to hard...or ummm at all, when Peaches does this...and I pick up Autumn and hold her when it happens since it's not something Peaches should be doing to her big "sister", but I have to admit it feels good to have Peaches love me enough to want to protect me already.
Anyway...as I suspected all along...Autumn could have a problem, once Peaches grows up. Autumn is the one dishing it out for the most part now...but give her a few months and Peaches could be the one dishing it out, even when she isn't trying to "protect" me. The first signs are showing now!
My little sweetheart is growing up! :)

Peaches sounds like Amanda, when she was a baby. She would get SO MAD if I held any of the other kids, and not her. She was sure I only belonged to her. *lol*
Both of them look so sweet!