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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Chick Day!!

Chick Day!!

With last year seeing our chicken population almost annihilated, we decided we had to get a bunch more this year, and decide to order them from a place here in Nebraska, because they were the cheapest ones we could find. They didn't have the breed I was first wanting, but since we didn't have the money to be to choosy, we settled on two of their choices, one of which I've always liked anyway.

In February we ordered 100 hens, all Sil-go-links and Rhode Island Reds. We were told June 2 was the earliest they would have some for us, so we have been waiting for this day. A month or two ago we called and changed our order slightly...we told them we would like some of them to be roosters, so we could make sure we had plenty of them too. They were happy to change the order for us...not surprising, because usually roosters are less expensive than hens.

Chick Day!!

Today we received a box in the mail with our chicks in it! There were actually 109 of the little babies, not sure if they are all those two breeds, but it doesn't really matter, I don't mind mixed breed chickens if we would hatch some of our own. I'm just thrilled to have them here finally!

Chick Day!!

DH said when he let them out in the pen in the chicken house, they went exploring really quickly, so I'm sure they are happy to have more room now. We won't get any eggs from these for a while, but least we are back on the road to being able to have them again! Yippee!! LOL

I love having our own eggs, I really hate having to buy those nasty store bought ones, they just don't taste as good and cost a small fortune! Thankfully my parents gave us some when we were over there last, so we've been enjoying farm fresh eggs lately...since the few we had left were back to hiding theirs. :)

Chick Day!!

I always think that new baby chicks are just so cute! Once they start getting feathers they aren't as much so, but can be neat looking once they are grown up. But this stage...it's my favorite for looking at them, and getting photos, but then I guess that's probably normal. I do love our farm babies! :-))

I can't wait till they get old enough to roam...I'm missing having lots of chickens running around, and while not all of these will probably be free roaming, least for a while, some will be. Just hope those nasty predators find somewhere else to be, so we can keep this batch for ourselves (not that we will be eating them, unless we start raising some and get to many)!

It just doesn't seem like a real farm, without those roosters crowing all day, and watching the hens chase bugs all over the yard. :)


  1. I wish we were able to allow ours to roam. Unfortunately - we can't even let our dogs roam free on the property. Nobody around here respects neighbors enough to keep their animals on their own property. Looking forward to all the photos! I love watching 'em when they're freshly hatched peepers!

  2. Ok you didn't hear the OMG from my mouf when I saw those lil babies. Such little fluffy beauties. I can not wait to see how they grow. :) Congrats on your chickis! :)

  3. Oh! They are sooooo cute! ... If I had them, I would have a covered pen, to protect them from the predators. I couldn't stand the thought of even one of them getting snatched by a coyote or something. (Which is why my cats stay inside, where it's SAFE! *lol*)



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