Guess what we had for supper?
Big surprise I know, since I've been saying we would be having some this week...but if you guessed our first garden fresh peas, you are right!!!
DH picked them, since I was busy inside...and it was kinda muddy...and he even shelled them for me, since I was so busy today! He is a real sweetie, I didn't even ask him to shell them, he just did. What a wonderful Man, that man of mine! :-))
Anyway, the peas were good, although I don't know if I quite got them done. It was so nice having peas from our garden, after all the work of weeding and all, we finally got something for our trouble! LOL
The garden is really growing too, least parts of it. I haven't actually gone out to see it up close and personal for a few days, since I've been busy, but just looking out the kitchen window at it I can see at least some of it has shot up. The pumpkins look like they have really growing, as do the zucchini and Okra. I'm sure the rest has too, it's just not been as noticeable from the house.
Anyway, I just wanted to show you the first peas we picked...I gotta run, rather busy this week, and still have things I need to work on. Hope everyone is having a great week! :)
How fun! ... I've never shelled peas before. Is it fun? :)