New Baby Bull!
I've not had much time this week to blog...with getting ready for Thanksgiving, but I did want to come and show you our newest Farm Baby!! This makes our 4th calf born this year, the most we've ever had in a year! Course, we won't be having that many again for a while...since we also got rid of a couple cows this year, but hey, it's nice we had them...even if the timing was off to be training some of them with our move.
Honey had a little boy yesterday, in the middle of a wild and crazy day. LOL We've been expecting her to calve, but wow, she just HAD to do it yesterday!
We had some plumbers here, yesterday, working on our messed up plumbing...they figured out the septic tank was one of those plastic ones, and was caving in...just another "short cut" the people who built this place took...that WE are now having to pay for. *sigh* So much for the money I had saved for the porch I wanted to add onto the side of the will now go for a NEW septic tank...concrete this plastic for me...we didn't do plastic in Tecumseh, and I refuse to do it here! I'll sure be glad once the recurring plumbing problem we've had since moving is finally fixed...even if it is going to cost us a small fortune. *cry* Praise God we had the money saved! :-))
One plus about having to fix so many things, least we KNOW the place better now...and know it SHOULD last/work much better than what was here before. :-))
Anyway, DH was on his way to pick up a load of sand (for something to do with this plumbing project) when he noticed Honey was laying down. He went to check on her, before leaving and saw two feet sticking out, so had to wait for a little bit before he could leave. He helped her get the baby out, then made sure it was doing ok, and that Stew wasn't going to bother it, before leaving. He didn't carry the baby to the barn yard at that time, cause it was a really nice day out, so figured he would be just fine till he got back.
The new baby is kinda cute...but then, it seems that all our farm babies are! LOL
He is almost all Jersey...maybe a 16th Holstein...and much cuter than Trinity hubby is talking about maybe keeping him for our bull...instead...we will have to think on that, I really didn't want one with Holstein in it, even if it is very little...but...I do like his color better, so...hmmm...who knows. It's not like we have to keep him as herd sire forever....we could trade off, but...we will see how it goes I guess.
Anyway...between getting ready for Thanksgiving this week, and helping get 6 deer (Praise God!!) into my parents and our freezers, we've been kinda on the go from time to time, the last couple weeks. Last week I actually wanted to get several more things done, but my back was giving me was lazy when I wasn't helping with deer. LOL Thankfully my back is better...not maybe 100% but better so being on my feet doing more the past couple of days has not made it worse.
Hopefully one of these days I'll have time to try and get more photos of our new baby! This is all I've got so far...but hey, least I managed one...and hopefully I'll be able to blog a little more often, once Thanksgiving is over, depending on if anything happens to give me something to say. :-))

You got a boy this time! He's so cute!