Blog Content & Photos Info.
ALL Content & Photos are copyrighted to me, unless otherwise stated. Using the photos (or content) without authorization is piracy!!
Please do not take my photos (or content) without my permission (even if it's for personal use). If you are looking for a photo for a project you are doing or for use on your website or in a publication ASK, don't just TAKE Please!!
I will charge you my photo fee (plus added money for stealing it) should I find my photo in your publication or on your website.
My e-mail is on my blog contact me page, so there is no excuse for not asking me before stealing my photos or content! Don't be a pirate, ASK before taking any ones photos or content!!
P.S...sorry if I sound a bit annoyed, we've had it happen before...our photo's being used without permission that is, and on a business site (and print catalog) none the less! :-((