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Friday, August 22, 2008


Isn't he just adorable? I know I say that about all the babies, but goat kids are almost ALWAYS adorable!! LOL This one was a big surprise...shouldn't have been, but...

This morning, while I was in the kitchen, starting to get ready to do some more canning, I looked out the kitchen window and saw Yani barking and kinda walking south and a little west towards the creek. I kinda wondered what she was barking at, and looked but didn't see anything, so I mentioned it to DH, and then we got busy, working around. Later after he got home from taking our new billy to the vet...he had a hurt foot, and it hadn't gotten better, so we figured we better have it checked out...DH calls me on his cell, and tells me to get my shoes on and get out there. Naturally I thought something was wrong, after all he had just got back from the vet....Yani HAD been barking earlier....and the way he said it, made me think something was wrong. So I turned off the stove burners, ran in and put my shoes on, and went out.

About half way to the goat pen, I heard.... a baby goat bawling...they have a distinct voice, there is no missing them (even that is cute! *giggle). So naturally my first thought was wow, Spike must have done his job before he died, after all. Probably not so! LOL The goat is all white, and it has waddles....those cute little strange things that hang down from a milk goats neck...boer's don't have them. Bunny, his Mom, doesn't have them, (she is 3/4 boar) if Spike had been the father, he was full blood boer...so I kinda doubt the baby would have had them, and the baby would have had some color somewhere on his body. So counting back to see when Bunny got pregnant, we come to the time we got our kinder family of goats...including the billy, who was in with all the goats for a couple of days. I guess he was REALLY HAPPY to be here....and probably heart broken to be parted from all the ladies, since he was partying with at least one of them! *giggle* We will see if there are any more in the next few days.

We HAD thought Bunny was rather fat, but didn't think much about it, because hadn't thought about the fact that the milk goat billy was with them for a few days...and didn't really think that Spike had ever been interested in any of them. Now we know why Bunny wasn't one of the goats that was getting out the other day, because normally she is the first one out, if anyone is going to be. We also know to be more vigilant, when we see Yani barking...because the only times she has been since we got her, (least during the day that we know of) she has been trying to tell us something, this time we just didn't listen. Silly us! LOL I guess not only do we have to train her for here....she has to train us too.

There is another photo on DH's blog.

Just had to show you our new cutie!! Have a great weekend!! Oh and thanks so much for your comments!! :)


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    He is precious - I just want to stroke his coat - it looks so soft. And those little feet? hooves are so cute. He looks big and alert to be so young!
    Have fun with the cutie!

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The baby goat IS adorable!!! I've never seen a picture of a baby one before. :D

  3. He is sure a cute little goat, and he has nice long ears.



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