Our Hillbilly Home - Building the Kitchen
This story is about how we got started with our farm several years ago...I was chatting with a friend one day and talking about how we got our house, and she wanted to see some photos so I decided to write the story for my blog and share photos instead of trying to e-mail a bunch to her. If you missed the first part of this story, you can find the links to all the parts on my links page.
Finally the weekend arrived when we had scheduled to build our kitchen. My brother came over to help as well as one of DH's brothers (the one who lived in Kansas) and a niece and nephew. It was Memorial Day weekend, so with the extra day off we figured we'd be able to get it up and weather proof.
The first day my brother and DH got the floor down and walls up. I stood in the door of the house and got a few photos of them working.
The next day all of them were here, so they got to work getting the rafters up...the osb on and shingling. By the end of the day it was buttoned up so most of the weather couldn't get in...the last shingle was put on just as it started raining. LOL
Over the summer we would get the insulation and drywall up as well as a pantry put together. We put wood grained vinyl down on the floor so it kinda looks like a wood floor, but isn't as expensive. We had a spot for my Great-Grandma's wood cook stove so it could be used again when we wanted extra heat. The kitchen was finished except for trim...and old mix and match cabinets put in so we could have a working kitchen...with plans to get good ones eventually, if we could ever afford them.
It was nice to have the kitchen "done"...as that put us a lot closer to being ready to actually move in!! :)
Stay tuned for Finishing touches...
...next time on "Our Hillbilly Home".
More will come once I get the photos gathered, and words written...please forgive the fact that I'm clearly NOT a "writer" AND the time it could take for the next part to show up...a day, a week, a month or... God forbid... a year.
Next installment is here.

I would be fun to see all the changes, as it happened. :)