Getting ready for our barn.
Well we finally got around to working on getting a spot ready to build the barn today. We had to go pick up our car this morning, from getting aligned, and went to the local rental place, to rent a bobcat. Having someone come in to do the work, was going to be way more expensive, so we just decided to do it usual. LOL
The bobcat worked pretty good, and although DH would have loved to do it himself (its fun for him to play with a new toy LOL), with his back, he would have had to go slower, so since my brother was available, he had him run it, so it could get done today since we couldn't really afford a two day rental. Hopefully my brother doesn't have to much trouble with his back tomorrow...cause he was kinda walking stiffly after his afternoon playing in the dirt with the bobcat, I think he had fun with it though. LOL I guess it's kinda rough riding at times.
Naturally I didn't go out with my camera, till my brother and hubby are off to the side taking a all you see working is my Dad, but...guess that's the way it goes. LOL
Hubby did get a little time in the least he had a little bit of fun with it. :-))
Now...hopefully the building can begin! To bad we can't have an old fashioned barn raising, cause then our little barn would be up in no time...but hopefully it will get there eventually, just not in a matter of days I'm afraid. LOL Eventually we will add on to our barn, when we have the money to, but till then, the little one will work.
The cows are hoping we will get the barn up soon too, cause they are missing having shelter from the rain...even though we only got a quarter inch last night...least we finally got something! :-))
Yes we have spoiled cows...they aren't as bad as the goats were, but they do like a building to be in.
Yippee, we are on the way to being a real farm again...even if a bit smaller! :-))

Can't wait to see the barn pictures! :)