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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Scrappin' Fool

Well I have four layouts to share this time. I have just been at it all day, don't ask me why they took all day, since they really look simple, but I am just slow. Anyway, actually one of the layouts I actually did in the middle of the night cause I was unable to sleep. We will see how tonight goes, eventually I should be so tired that I just fall into bed, and sleep, but maybe not. Grandma is still hanging on, but Mom and Dad just don't think it will be much longer, so after DH's Dr appointment tomorrow, we are going to go on over. I would like to see her before she goes, but if we don't make it, I guess thats ok too. I saw her on thanksgiving, and maybe it would be better to remember that as my last time that I saw her alive, than the way she is now. If he didn't have the appointment, we probably would have gone before now, but its kinda hard to get these kinds of appointments, so we held out. So needless to say, I will not be writing in here as much over the next few days. I have no idea how long we will be gone either.

The first layout above, is my brother when he was 9. He is so cute, isn't he?!! LOL The 2nd one is me when I was 11. Once again, there is a puppy in my arms....do I have ANY younger pictures, taken at home, where there isn't an animal of some kind in my arms?

Kit Credit for both layouts: Boy O Boy kit by Blushbutter

The bottom two layouts I did because I am printing out all of the layouts that I have with my Grandma in them and we may use them at the visitation, if they allow that kind of thing. I have been to some funerals, where they have a board up, with pictures of the person's life on it. So I will use layouts, and then print some smaller pictures of other ones, I haven't had a chance to put in a layout yet, and mix them in amongst the layouts. I don't figure we will be back home before the funeral (because she is so bad, they don't know if she will make it through the
night, so if she does, I doubt she will make it to many more nights) so I have to take all of this stuff with me. This is why I pushed and did these last two layouts today, so I would have them.

The first one is Grandma, and Grandpa's wedding pictures. The 2nd one is of Grandma swinging on the pole swing that her son, my Uncle Orison, made in Minessota.

Kit Credit for both layouts: Victorian Doll Kit by Blushbutter

1 comment:

  1. comments from old blog:

    blushbutter (unverified): I'm certain Orison and Grandpa are doing happy dances right now in the expectation of her arrival in heaven. There will be one more angel for God to help him do all his work. I'll pray for you this week that all goes well for your family and you Deb, also I hope your darling Hubby is ok with his MRI tests. your in my thought's hug's
    Dec 18, 2006, 03:30 AM (UTC -6)


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