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Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Granddaughter is...

This layouts showes a friend of ours, with her granddaughter. Its their first Grandchild, but we heard not to long ago, they are already expecting their 2nd!!! I'm so excited for them! Don't you just love the color of this background?!!!

Kit Credit: Beautiful Belles by Blushbutter

Speaking of Blushbutter, I just went to her forum this morning....like I try to do every morning, and noticed she had changed it! I had to reregister because she changed to a totaly new forum, so if you were registered there already, you will need to go back and do it again! I am sure this forum is new and improved, so it will be worth it to have switched!! I do love her new banner, that she has in it now!!

I just finished lunch and while I was eating, I got to thinking about a funny that happen the other night. Do you remember those times when you just CAN'T get something to work, and finally you ask for help......and you go to show the person who is going to help you, what is happening wrong....and it doesn't do what it has been doing, but instead, does what it's actually suppose to do? Well DH called me into his office a couple nights ago, and it happen! Now I know, its not that funny, BUT after it happen, I kinda laughed a little, and we got to talking. He then remembered something else he had been having trouble with, since we were talking about computer things, and so he went to show me that one......and it worked fine!!! Thats when i lost it! Its a good thing I was standing in the doorway, so I could lean againt the wall, because for some reason it hit me as sooooooo funny, and I about died!! I laughed so hard, I couldn't catch my breath, and I had tears streaming down my face. Had the wall not been there, I think I really would have been ROFL!! Maybe it was the look on his face, when it worked I don't know, but to me, it happening the 2nd time really hit my funny bone! I have to say, I LOVE a good laugh!!! The next day, (now that I think about it) I felt great, and got more done around the house than usual, so......hmmm.......maybe he should make me laugh THAT hard more often! Even if I can't breath to well while its happening!!

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