Its been awhile
Yeah, Yeah, I know, I haven't posted here for several days. Sorry!! LOL I haven't been scrappin. I took the weekend to do some other things and Monday we were gone most of the day....yesterday, I don't know, I guess I just got busy playing on the computer, and didn't get to layouts!
These two layouts have pictures of a friend and her son. The first one is the friend with one of her coworkers. She is dressed up for Halloween. The 2nd one is the friends son, with his "treasure" he got for Christmas.
Kit Credit: Savvey Pirates by Blushbutter
The following was posted on my old blog to let people know I would be moving it to here!!!
I am moving my blog back to my old blog, on blogger. I don't mind freewebs, and my DH will keep his site going...for now anyway, but with this just being a personal site, I don't really want to keep paying money for it, even if its not much every year.
Actually the BIGGEST reason I don't want to pay for it is because I like how on blogger I can have links and all down the side of the blog, and when I post an entry it will e-mail the entry to one e-mail address I choose. So I got a google group, and put that e-mail address in it, so anyone who wants to always know when I post an entry, can join the group, and then will get the entry in their inbox, I thought that would be especially handy for family, although if no one seems to use it, I will get rid of it after awhile. The only bad thing about that is I could get even less comments...and I love my comments! LOL But since I won't be having the freebie links up forever...only as long as the links last, (then maybe sometimes I will update the links,) I thought I would make it so people can easiely check to see if I put a link up.
Anyway for now, I will just change the blog link up top, to go to my blog on blogger, but if I totally deciede to go that way, I will direct my domain name to there. Then my site will go back to the free one, which means I won't be able to add anything to it, because I have more pages than the free site is allowed, and it will have ads, but won't be used much, so thats ok. I will proably keep the free one for a while, just to make sure I don't want to upgrade it again in the future, but just can't see paying for it every year, when its just for me (and not exactly what I want). I will probably be changing the link in the next few days.
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