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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Moving Day!

LOL Ok, not really moving day (thankfully, as I LOVE our home) for us except for the fact that I put the link to this blog on my old site, so will only post here now!!! I just thought moving day made for a good heading! LOL On the off chance that freewebs gets their selves in gear and makes the blog over there the way I want it, I MAY move back, but I really am not leaning that way, just because I am cheap and don't want to pay for it when I can have this for free!! Especially since its just for me personally, and not a business. It wasn't to expensive really over there, but I just don't want to have to spend the money if I don't have to, ESPECIALLY when I don't like how the blog is set up, and that's what I use the most.

This layout is a friends granddaughter. Isn't she adorable!!!! I made everything in the layout...I fell in love with the brown and pink together in the picture so had to make a kit to go with it. Its not completely done yet...at least I would like to think of something else to add to it, but if I can't, I will put it on here as is, and you all will have to live with whats there! LOL Sorry, I am just not to good at comming up with lots of neat elements. I will leave that up to the designers out there. I don't even know what to call the kit yet.

Anyway, check back in a few days, hopefully I will have it up! If you want to for sure not miss it (if the google group is working anyway! LOL) join my google group and you will recieve my blog posts in your e-mail. The group is ONLY for getting my blog posts, its not open for you to post, so if you want to for sure read my boring blog, go join it! If you prefer to just come visit now and then, thats fine. I will get rid of the group eventually if no one wants to get the posts that way. LOL

This try for making a kit, may take me for another couple, three months. I always forget exactly how hard it is to make a full kit, with papers and elements. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, if I would just do enough for a layout now and then, but no, I have to loose my mind, and (try to) go all out! I really don't do well at making the preview either, so when I finally get it "finished" don't laugh to hard at the preview! LOL Anyway, I hope someone can use it when I finally get it posted!

SPEAKING of a new kit, Blushbutter just posted previews on her blog of her newest! Wow, its huge!!! And my favorite color!!!!!!!! LOL Lots of purple things, Papers, ROSES and LACE. Man, how I LOVE her lace!!! She made it by request for someone who wanted a kit to work with their grandmothers wedding pictures. I saw it, and thought it was PERFECT for MY wedding pictures!!! LOL (I have so many albums started I will never get one of them finished, because I keep skipping around! LOL) These previews are it....just click on them to open it out bigger so you can see it, or click on the name Blushbutter above, to go to her blog. I don't think its in her store yet...will probably take a little while for her to get it uploaded to her store, because of how big it is, but once it is, you really should rush over and buy it, if you like purple anyway!! (and of course if you have any money! LOL)

Well thats all the news I can think of right now. I am tired so I need to get to bed, but want to post my layout through Blushbutters group first. Have a good night/day everyone!!

Oh the kit is in her store now!!!! You can go here to see it!

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