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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Midnight Meanderings

Well I did manage to get a couple layouts done today, which is amazing!! The first one I did shows my DH and Autumn and Crystal relaxing on my Mom and Dad's couch. (a couple of days before Crystal died) The 2nd one shows the first snow of 2006 (I think it was the first one, least its the first one I got pictures of! LOL). I am not majorly happy with the layouts, but it could just be that I am tired.

Kit Credit for both: Winter Blues by Teri Hanson at DigiZines Digital Den.

The reason it was so amazing that I managed two layouts today, is because last night, about 6:30 (just as we were finishing our supper) we got a slightly hysterical call, from one of our niece's. She was suppose to be out of her apartment that night by midnight (she said) and her Mom's truck just broke down. Well needless to say, we tell her we will see if we can get a trailor hooked up and be up there as soon as we can. Every trailor we tried had something wrong with the lights...(even our neighbors to the north) so we ended up going in our expedition without a trailor. Thankfully it didn't really matter, it just meant more trips, but it was big enough to carry everything we needed to. We are not sure why she waits till the last min...even if she thought at first she still have 5 more days, to move, but I guess thats just the way it is. I would want to get out in plenty of time, if possible, to allow for things like this happening.

Oh well alls well, that ends well. DH was our driver since he couldn't carry much, and I wasn't really all that much help either, because I didn't really know what needed packed, where. But we got it done, and got home around 1:30 am. I am glad we were able to help her out. I just hope we don't have to many times we have to be out late like that, I really don't like traveling after dark! LOL I guess I have gotten so used to not traveling anymore much, and to our nice quiet, peaceful country life, that going down the road, after dark, at a high rate of speed, ties my tummy up in knots. DH is a good driver, but it still bothers me. God is good though, and he saw us home without any trouble!

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