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Friday, January 26, 2007

New Kit - Bailey by Doxie Designs

This is no longer a freebie, you can find it in my store here, if you want to buy it. Sorry if you missed it as a freebie.

Ok here is the kit I worked on the last few days...I managed to find my mind long enough to put an end to trying to come up with any more ideas for it, and make a preview. Hopefully I don't loose my mind so much that I try to make another any time soon! LOL Its still kinda fun learning how to make new things, but trying to make enough for a full kit, is just not for me! Course naming things isn't my strong suit either, so I named it Bailey, after a friends grand-daughter. It was her picture that made me want to make it. (she is the baby in the layout I posted yesterday.) I hope someone will have a use for it!

I thought about putting some word art in it, but didn't know what theme to go for, so thought I might wait and pick a theme and do some for another freebie in the next month or so. If I get inspired, and think anyone would want it anyway! LOL So while you are commenting (if you download the kit) feel free to say if you would like any wordart, and what theme you would like...even what you want it to say if you have anything special you want. I will try my best to make some....sometimes my wordart actually turns out ok, better (mostly) than my kits! LOL Course now that I say that, it won't! ROFL Oh well!! All I can do is try.

Download link will be gone by the end of Oct, sorry if you missed it!!

Don't forget to leave me some of that love I LOVE so much, if you download my kit!! Thanks!!!


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    This turned out really pretty. I like the brown and pink together too. I thought I would try and download it since I have DSL now

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful get you've done a awesome job!!!

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Wow! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    you did a great job!! thank you for sharing.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    WOW How beautiful, thank you so much

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Oh how pretty!! Thank you soo much for sharing with me :)

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    WOW, what a wonderful kit! I'm so glad you included the pretty butterflies; thank you!

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Lovely! TFS!

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Thank you for going out of your way to make digi easy and alot of fun! I love the design and vintage look

  10. Very pretty. Thanks

  11. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Thanks for sharing! This is soo pretty!

  12. This is a really special kit... love the butterfly elements and all the coordinating colors. Thanks soo much for sharing this!

  13. This is beautiful! Thank you so much.

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Love your kit ---- but woe is me, did 4 shared site crash--- cuz I can't download it?

  15. What a sweet kit! Thank you so much... there is so much in it that I really am amazed at your generosity and talent! The shilohette (sp?) is so sweet and those butterflies... love them... and the ribbon curls are great too! Thanks! :D

  16. Thank you so much... and thank you for all the work you put into everything.

  17. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Thank you for the set and template (dreaming of you) I think you did a great job on both.
    I really like the way you set up the tags..they look great.

  18. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Love your kits thank you very much. I was wondering if your dog kit would be making a dabue sometime soon? Thanks again.


  19. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Thank you so very much, its beautiful.

  20. Anonymous5:09 PM

    This is a beautiful kit. Thank you for sharing

  21. Very nice kit. Love the colors.Thanks.

  22. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Love the butterfiles and the sihlouette.

  23. The preview looks very pretty, can't wait to look at it in full! ~BTW, there are 14 comments on 4Shared.~

    Thank you!

  24. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Thank you :-)

  25. So soft & pretty! Thank you for including the butterflies! :) TFS.

  26. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Thanks so much. My granddaughter loves flutterbyes - thanks for sharing!!! Tina

  27. Anonymous8:50 PM

    This is my first time visiting your blog and I am in absolute shock! I have had this piece of clip art saved on my hard drive for MONTHS hoping to one day use it to scarp with. I wanted to create something with that & something with butterflies because when my daughter was in preschool & too tiny to read, the teacher gave each child a symbol. Hers was a butterfly & we have loved them ever since.
    Imagine me surfing here today & finding not only my favorite piece of clip art but butterflies AND the perfect colors! Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much. NOW - to find those old photos & scan them! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LOL

  28. This is beautiful thanks for sharing xx

  29. Your kit is as beautiful as all your lovely LOs!!TFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Lovely kit. Thanks for sharing with us. Great work.

  31. Anonymous11:48 PM

    This is an absolutely beautiful kit!!!! I just love it! You're so talented!!!! Thank you! :)

  32. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This is such a pretty kit. I love everything about it. TFS

  33. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Thanks a lot for the pretty kit.

  34. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing! :)

  35. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I really love this kit. Can't wait to use it. mjc

  36. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Thank you. I love the butterflies.

  37. Lovely kit! I can't wait to play with this one, especially the butterflies.

  38. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I love this kit! I love the colors and the butterflies and the scrollie thingies... I love it all. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful kit.

  39. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Lovely for heritage photos - thanks

  40. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Beautiful. Thanks for your work and kindness of sharing.

  41. Anonymous11:54 AM

    this is so, so pretty, WOW thank you :)

  42. Anonymous11:54 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Thank you very much. This kit is beautiful.

  44. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I love this kit. Soooo cute


    Thank you

  45. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Beautiful kit.Thanks for sharing.

  46. Anonymous11:59 AM

    absolutely beautiful! thanks so much

  47. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thank you.

  48. Anonymous12:00 PM

    This is gorgeous - love the butterflies! :) Thanks so much!

  49. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Thanks so much, beautiful.

  50. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  51. Anonymous12:02 PM

    a nice kit, thank you!

  52. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Lovely! Can't wait to get started on a layout.

  53. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This is really lovely!!! Thanks so much for sharing it

  54. Anonymous12:04 PM

    So pretty...I love the mother/child silhouette

  55. Anonymous12:05 PM

    How beautiful, thank you so much.

  56. Anonymous5:16 PM

    thankyou for your lovely kits. I am a new digi scrapper and only found your site 2 days ago. Please, please do your bailey kit again as it looks gorgeous.Thankyou again, Mand.

  57. I really like this and hope you bring it back, so I can download it.

  58. This is a very beautiful kit. So sorry I missed it.

  59. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I just found your site and love your work! Thank you for your generocity! Sorry I missed this kit and your love and roses kit, they are so beautiful!

  60. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thank you :)

  61. Thank you so much for putting the link back up. I LOVE this kit. You are so talented.

  62. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Love your bailey kit.Fantastec elements.tfs

  63. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This is pretty, thank ou for sharing!

  64. This kit is so beautiful!! I will be able to do alot with it. Thanks so much you are very generous!!!

  65. Anonymous1:32 PM

    So very pretty!!! TFS!!


  66. TY for sharing this wonderful kit!!

  67. Anonymous11:59 PM

    So pretty ...you do awesome work...thank you sooooo much...Cindi

  68. Hi, Wanted to thank you for this freebie I downloaded it a long time ago. Life has been happening and I haven't done much scrapbooking. BUT I finally made a LO with this if you'd like to see it here is my blog chanelleandtristan.blogspot.com
    Thanks you did a wonderful job I just love the butterflies and the pearls!!


I'd LOVE to hear from you!