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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Scrap Lair is Open, and has freebies!!!

Its a day early, but hey, that just means you can get a head start on checking them out!! Come see all the wonderful kits in the store, and say Hi in the forums! There are some freebie's both places, so make sure you register in the forum, so you can see the ones in there!! Click here...or one of the Scrap Lair blinkie's in the left column to visit them! Oh and with the 50% off grand opening sale going on, the kits are super low priced!

Don't forget to check out the gallery and see what the creative team has been up to, and feel free to add your own layouts in there! If you have time, make a post for Jamie and Lynn, and let them know how happy you are they are finally open! I hope to see you there!!

I got a couple layouts done this last week, with a couple of the kits at Scrap Lair. This first one is one of our niece's playing the piano. She loves to play the piano when she comes to visit, and has pretty much gotten as much as I can teach her out of me, cause I'm not a teacher, or really all that good at playing. I've forgotten way to much over the years, as I haven't played as often as I should. But she really picked up, what I could teach her, fast, and hopefully someday she can have lessons from a real piano teacher. I wish she lived around here, so she could get lessons, and have my piano to practice on. Hopefully she can get a piano in the next few years, and is still interested in learning!

Kit Credit: Harmony by Shadow Scraps at Scrap Lair. My layout doesn't do this kit justice.

This next layout is my DH and I, when my niece came for a visit, she snapped a few pictures of us too. I used a poem that I think is neat, on it.

Kit Credit: L'Essence d'Elat by Zyrne's DeZynes at Scrap Lair. Again, I didn't do the kit justice.

Well that's it for today! I hope you are having a great weekend! Oh and watch for a new kit from me here, tomorrow! I may finally have one done, (at least as done as its going to get, since I can't think of anything else to add to it!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Wonderful layouts Deb!!! You always do such great work!



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