A country road
Today is a beautiful day here. Blue sky's, sunshine, a small breeze, and highs in the upper 60's. We went for a drive in the country this afternoon, well there was a purpose to this drive, (DH was getting some rocks from a farmer....one of his scrounging expeditions! LOL) and on the way back, I had him stop so I could get some pictures of some of the beautiful countryside. I took one of the road we were on to, I loved looking down it, with the rolling hills and trees.
Some of our trees around here are already bare, as you can see in the first picture, but there are still a lot that have leaves, of different colors. We don't get quite the number of colors out in the country here as we did growing up, in Missouri I don't think, but its still pretty, if you can find a hillside with lots of trees that are changing colors. We have more rusts and yellows here, while in Missouri, they have orange and reds too. They had a lot more trees in Missouri, then we do here in Nebraska, open prairie is more the norm here. While I do miss the beauty of where I grew up, I love it out there to, with the more wide open spaces, and larger hills.
I took a bunch of photo's, (these are just three of them, had a cow watching me in the bottom one! LOL) so now will have to look in my folders for a kit (or two or three LOL) to play with for them. I was just thinking earlier today I needed to settle down, and get myself caught up on doing the pictures from last year, and this year...and so I go out and take more, instead of staying here and doing a layout! LOL That's ok, I'm glad I went, it was a nice little drive, and really pretty in spots. Hubby was kind enough to stop for me a couple times so I could get some pictures.I just love photo's of the beautiful countryside. Scenery photo's are some of my favorite ones to take. You can almost always find a beautiful spot if you look.
DH is collecting some fist sized rocks for in front of the barn, cause there was a low spot that would fill with water, and make it hard to get in and out of it, if it rained, so he went and put up a sign in a few places in town, and has had a couple calls from farmers telling him they have a pile or two of little rocks from their fields, that he can have. I think it will work wonderfully, and make it much better over there in front of the barn.
I am married to such a resourceful guy, who has managed to scrounge up most things that we have needed....including our house!! LOL I'm thankful he doesn't have to have everything NEW (or at least look like it is) like some people I know, because either we wouldn't have much, or we would be further into debt, and never have any hope of getting out! Not that I don't like new, but I don't feel that just cause its used, and looks it, means it needs tossed away. It could still have years of life in it, and save us lots of money. Or it could be fixed up, so it looks good....eventually, if we ever get the money to do so! :)
Anyway, I better get off here! I have been feeling kinda down lately, but this afternoon has been good, so hopefully I will be feeling better now....least better than I have been. I hope all of you will have a great week! Hopefully I can post more layouts on here this week, than I did last...but won't hold my breath! :)
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