Moving DH's site to blogger
This layout shows my niece's little cousin. No relation to me, but I thought this photo was cute, and loved the props in it! I thought she looked like a little baby doll here and loved the baby doll that was in the kit, so thats why I titled it that!!
Kit Credit: Baby Girl Heartstrings Mega Kit by Blushbutter
Well nothing major going on today. I have been working for the past few weeks on getting my DH's website moved over to blogger, because after the first of the year his paid for service expires, and I don't want to pay for it again. I don't like it as well as blogger and as long as DH can figure out how to make blog posts (when he gets around to it, which hasn't been often this summer! LOL) he is happy with whatever. I did manage to get what we have decided to use for his store on his blog ordered today. So maybe sometime in the next month or two, we can get that all set up, and move his domain to his blog, instead of freewebs.
I actually ordered this blog store from a digital scrapbooking site, because I figured it would work good for his pdf books to. Hope I am smart enough to figure out how to set it up, once the lady sets it up on her end for me! LOL I love that its not to much more expensive for the set up and program fees (and the first year of service) than a year of freewebs was, then after that, each years renewal is waaaaay cheaper!! Anyway, if you have thought about having a digital scrapbooking store on your blog, I went with this one here. I don't know much about it yet, so can't say if I like it, or found it easy to use, but love the fact that the links will get sent out automatically, instead of having to e-mail the links, like DH has been having to do. I'm sure there were probably other places out there, that would do the same thing, but I've heard this ladies name in the digital scrapbooking community for a while now, and been subscribed to her blog, so figured I would go with her. Better than trying to figure out how to find other ones, and then not know anything about them! LOL
Christine (the lady who I ordered the blog store from) seems really nice and has already answered a lot questions I have had so I'm sure if I come up with any more that I can't find the answer to in help...she will be able to help me. So anyway, wish me luck, on figuring it all out!! LOL I will probably be starting on that (slowly) in the next week or two! :) Once I get it figured out, I will have to teach my DH to do it....hopefully! I'm not to good a teacher so that could be challenging.
Anyway, that's one of several reasons, that I haven't managed to do as much scrappin lately. Course being tired....burnt out....not in the mood hasn't helped much! LOL That's probably why I decided to get started on the moving of his site, even though we have till after the first of the year. I like to make sure its done anyway, before hand, so guess if all goes well, this will ensure it! I do still need to redo his banner, but can't pin him down on what he haven't done it yet.
Hope you all have a great weekend, doubt I will do any layouts, but who knows. I'll post them if I do!
I love the lacing, and she's adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteLove this one, too!