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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fun in the Sun

I scrapped some of the photo's I took yesterday, while we were being entertained by our goats. We were all enjoying the fact that it was in the 50's and sunny. One of the new little babies was laying in the hay that was scattered on the ground, and rolling in it. I caught one of the "rolls" with my camera...this time I think her antics got away from her, and she rolled all the way over. *giggle*

Kit Credit: Faith by Tina Williams Designs.

In the 2nd layout you can see our three boar babies together on some rocks. I just think they are so adorable, and their feet seem so big...especially one of them. They love climbing on the big rocks DH has around the water tank. When we first went out there yesterday, one of the new babies, jumped into one of the water tanks, that had some ice on it, but she got out in a hurry, cause the ice broke. LOL The goats don't like to be in water.

We haven't tried milking our new goats yet, we want them to get settled in good, plus with the kids on them all the time, I don't know how much we would get from them. In another few weeks, we can separate the kids at night, and milk them in the morning and we will get more. We will however have to start training them to milk soon, even if we don't get much. I was hoping to get milk goats that were already trained, but we couldn't pass these up, since we got several of them for the price. I've never trained a goat to milk....can't say I'm looking forward to it, but hopefully it goes well! Hopefully they aren't to stubborn, and want to sit down, so I can't milk them, like the last one I tried to milk did! LOL

Its another really nice day out today (mid 60's!!), I took Autumn (one of my Doxie's) out with me to see the goats, and she wasn't real happy about being around them, she was standing by DH and one of the Mom's came up to her, and was probably going to try to butt her, but she didn't give her the chance to before she snapped and snarled at her, cause she was getting to close to daddy! LOL If he hadn't of been there, I don't think she would have stood her ground as much, she would have left. She wanted held most of the time we were out there, cause of those big monsters, who were so much bigger than she was. The babies didn't bother her as much, as they were closer to her size. LOL Poor baby (my doxie, not the goat) was traumatized I think.

Well I better be getting busy, need to get supper ready for the oven, so I can spend the rest of the afternoon doing chores...if I don't find something else funner to do! LOL.

I'm going to try to work on figuring out what photo's to use of my niece, if I have any computer time tomorrow, (figuring out what to scrap of her, isn't going well....I have to many photo's, and am having trouble figuring out which ones to not use! *giggle*)so I doubt I will manage any layouts...unless I just have to do some, to get away from trying to make up my mind! So have a great weekend!!


  1. I enjoyed looking at the photos of your kids! They are just so cute. Your pages turned out wonderful (as always). Good luck on the milking.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    They are sure cute. The LO's are really nice and will give you nice memorys every time you look at them. Little goats are sure fun to watch.

    That soap and lotion you have will be nice. Goat milk soap is really good for your skin.


  3. Your kids are adorable. I love your 'scrap' presentation of the photos too. Lovely work.



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