The Newcomers
I managed a couple layouts today, with the photo's I took of our new goats, yesterday. I have to get caught up on this years photos! LOL course that means you will be seeing more goat layouts, cause I have some photo's of our new boar babies too.
Kit Credit: Junk Drawer by Shadow Scraps
We have been wanting some milk goats, and Galen heard
that there was a whole family of them for
billy, 2 nannies, and three babies. So we went and got
them, they aren’t Nubian like I would have liked, but we
will see how they do...they are Kinder goats. They
are cute although I still like our boars better.
In the large photo, two of ours are looking over the
pallet, to see the newcomers. I thought that
was kinda neat. LOL
Jamie, of Shadow Scraps now has a blog!! She just got it set up today, and has one post in it, but I thought I would put a link here for any of you who would like to visit it. I know she is planning on posting her newest mini kits in there, just for a start, but she hasn't had time yet. She still has some other things she wants to do to it, before it will be fully set up, but least she FINALLY has a blog!! *giggle* I've been trying to talk her into one for months, even telling her I would help her learn how to set it up....but she wasn't ready for one till now I guess!
Also all of her kits (and Lynn's too) are 50% off at Scrap Lair through the end of the month!! So don't forget to go check them out, if you have a little extra spending money. Shadow Scraps has several pretty floral mini kits, that are only $1.50 (as well as the kit I just used for these two layouts) so don't let your chance to get them at that price, get away from you.
Today has been a pretty nice day outside, its been in the 50's and not to much breeze, so while not able to be out in just your shirt sleaves, (well I couldn't anyway) I did spend some time outside, in the sun, with the goats. It was good to be out there.
We let the newcomers out to meet the others, and had to block off the barn, while we were out with them, cause they kept wanting to go back into it. They stayed away from our other ones, as much as possible, well except for the billy. The billy, had to go check some of the others out, and then hung around us bugging us. He is such a friendly billy, which in a way is good....except I don't want the billys, especially the milk goat billys, so friendly they want to almost be in my lap. LOL Anyone who has been around billy's in the fall, knows WHY I'm sure. I DON'T want to smell like they do...and the milk goats are worse, that the boars, and the boars are bad enough.
The billy...we don't know what we are going to call him yet, I said he looks like billy goat gruff, but I don't think DH wants to call him gruff *giggle* and I don't want to billy, cause he isn't like our last "Billy" soooo guess I have to keep saying the billy for now....kept bugging me, trying to taste my clothes, fingers, and even my hair (he gave it a good tug, till I yelled "Hey!!" LOL) till I got tired of it, and started shoving him away. Well hmmm that didn't work, he came back for more, only worse. DH tried to get rid of him, and pulled him back quite a ways, but when he let go, he went around him, and came right back to me. I don't know if he thought I was playing or what, but knowing how he would smell later, and knowing how some billy's can even butt you when you arn't looking, least some growing up would, I figured I better get the upper hand right away so I handed my camera to DH and tiped him (the billy, not DH!) over on his back. I didn't hurt him, but wanted him to know who was boss. He isn't big enough that it was that hard, although he is taller than our other billy...just not as wide. (course our other billy seems like he is rather short)
He got right back up, and started toward me again, so I stuck out my finger and said "Hey, you want me to do that again, with all these Ladies watching?" because by that time, several of our other goats were watching him. He stopped, turned his head and looked at them, then came back for some more fun. DH and I had to laugh at that though, cause it was like he knew what I said, and had to look at them to decide. I tipped him over again, and he had a little harder time getting up, cause he was trying to roll downhill, as he was trying to get back on his feet uphill, so I nudged him so he could get back on his feet. He got up, shock himself off, looked at all the "Ladies" who were quietly laughing at him, and wondered off, not to bother me again, till I was leaving the barn, and he wanted a handout. I almost felt bad, cause I know he was probably embarassed, but I don't want him trying to be top goat, with me...or DH....or being so friendly, I have to smell like him this fall, cause he won't stay off me. DH said I may have to do it again, to "remind" him so we will see. He is kinda cute, although I think our other billy that died last year, was cuter. But in the Billy Goat Gruff way, he is cute. I don't mind them comming up to me, as long as they learn what no, and go away is....and stop trying to taste me and my clothes. LOL I may have to get a water gun for this fall, and see if it works at keeping him away, as well as it does for my parents goats.
Ok, I better get supper started, so I'll shut up now! *giggle* I promise, I won't rattle on about the goats all the time....they are just so fun for us! LOL I hope everyone is having a good day!
How's the milking going? Or maybe you aren't milking yet, with the Kids.
ReplyDeleteI ran a search on Kinder Goats, and they sound like they are an over all good goat.
I had to laugh when you were telling about your run in with the Billy. You know your Dad has to put the Billy down ever so often, to show him who's "Boss". Last time I saw him do it, he was laying across the top of of the Billy, when he finally got him down. Of course the Boer Billies are bigger so it takes a lot more to get them down. Mostly they don't need reminding, just once in a while.
Have fun with them.
Awww! The new babies are so cute! I love the layout you made of them! :D