A Road Trip and Stargate SG1
We took a road trip today, to go pick up some milk goats. We got a billy, two Nanny's, and three babies today. This photo is one of the babies, isn't it just adorable? I think I still like our boar goats better, cause I like the long floppy ears (like our doxie's have). I thought the ones we got were going to get had them to, but I was miss informed, the photo I saw, wasn't the same kind of goat! LOL But at least they DO have ears, unlike that other breed of goat, that I don't want to have again. (Goats are really SUPPOSE to have ears in my opinion! LOL) The neat thing I've always liked about milk goats is the wattle (the two strange things than hang down under their chin on their neck), I have to admit, I kinda missed it on the boar, as they don't seem to have them. Milk goats are more "dainty" than the boar, so they don't seem as sturdy, but they are good to have, if you want milk, as boar goats don't produce near as much.
We don't drink or even cook with alot of milk, because milk just doesn't seem to agree with me anymore. I refuse to buy it, when I then have problems after using it, although now and then, if DH wants some for something special I will. I doubt we will use a lot of milk, even with milk goats, but we do want to try to make some cheese. Fresh milk, is much better for you, I've heard, so once we start getting some milk, I'll have to see if I have the same problem with goat milk, as I do store bought....I am almost sure I won't (I never did growing up), but we will see. Its also good to have milk goats, in case you have to bottle feed babies (goats), because it would be much better for them than the milk replacer....and cheaper!
I grew up on goats milk, and have always liked it much better than cows...although not enough to just sit and drink a glass of it every day. But using it in things or drinking a little now and then, it tastes better to me than cows milk ever has. DH who has always said he didn't like goats milk, tried some today, at the lady's house, we had to stop at, who did the disbudding on the babies we got (disbudding is removing the horns, which I totally dissagree with, but it was done, before we got them, so had no choice, naturally) and he actually liked the goat milk! First time he has, so that's a good sign, maybe he will be able to handle goat milk now! LOL
As to the disbudding, I never liked the idea before, because I really like horns on a goat, I find it easier to grab them, if they have them. However after today, I am totally against it! I guess it hasn't been to long since the babies were dehorned and in fact, the guy lost a baby (both of the Mom's had twins, but now only one of them does) shortly after they were dehorned, because one started bleeding at the site of the horn, and it wasn't caught till it was to late, and died. Well we got all the goats in the truck today, and DH and the man we got them from were off talking about feed, when I looked back and saw one of the Mom's had blood on her, then I finally saw the kid had a lot coming out from around where the horns should be. I went and got DH and they looked, and discussed what to do, and decided to call the lady who had done the disbudding, because she had the iron that would cauterize the area, and make it stop bleeding. So we stopped at her house, and while she did have a little trouble getting it to stop, she did eventually get it to. Hopefully it doesn't break open again, and will actually heal this time. That however reinforced my opinion, that leaving the horns ON the goats is the way to go!!
This lady sells goat milk out of her home, and also cheese, and Handmade Goat Milk Soaps and Lotions. I have always wanted to make some soap, not lots as a business, like she does, but its just one of those things I wanted to try. She was really nice (I thought this BEFORE she gave us some stuff...but this just confirmed it! LOL) and besides showing us around her small place, and letting us try her goat milk, so DH could see if he liked it any better than the last time he had tried some, she gave us some soft goat cheese, and a bottle of lotion, and some soap!! She gave us three different kinds of soap, one of them she hadn't gotten wrapped yet, and I can't remember the name she gave it, but the other two were named Butterfly kisses, and cinnamon orange. The cinnamon orange is a stronger smelling soap (and I can't really smell the orange, and orange is one smell I LOVE!!), and while I do like it, the butterfly kisses (isn't that a really cool name) is my favorite! LOL I don't know what essential oils it has in it, but its more of a floral or "sweeter" smell. She does have a website, and if you like homemade soaps and things like that, you can go visit it here! The photo with the soaps in it, is what I took, of what she gave us. As for the goat cheese, sad to say, I didn't like it to well, however DH LOVES it!!! Thanks so much Christy!! Our visit with you was certainly fun!
Needless to say, we had an interesting day (ok, well it was for us anyway! *giggle*) and since we were gone most of the day, I didn't get anything done around here. We did however get to stop at a wal-mart and buy the new Stargate SG1 movie "The Ark of Truth"!!!!! We watched it this evening (of course) and while I don't know that I liked how it was filmed as well as the tv show, because it messed with my eyes a little, I did like the movie!! The 2nd Stargate SG1 movie is due out this summer I guess, I can't wait, even though they are rather expensive. Those movies, I will pay that big price for....if at all possible, most I won't...and don't. :)
Ok, now that I've bored all of you silly....if you even made it this far, *giggle* I will let you get on with whatever you were doing, before you stopped to read my blog. I have e-mails to answer, and then I need to get to bed. I do hope everyone is having a good week!! Thanks so much for your lovely comments!
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