Tornado Season
It's that time of year, when we have to be extra watchful for those nasty tornado's. While they can happen anytime throughout the year, around here, spring is the worst time. Last night we had one of those spring thunderstorms come through, and somehow the thunder didn't wake me up like it usually does (told you I was tired LOL). I remember DH getting up, asking which windows I had left open, but I rolled over and went right back to sleep. Next
thing I know, he comes in and says we are in a tornado warning, and its right around our part of the county! THAT woke me up! With my heart pounding, and silently praying that God would keep us safe, and even keep the precious home that I love safe, I got dressed, and scurried around getting a few things gathered up, in case we had to run for safety, under the house. Had to keep my camera, purse, cell phone, and EHD safe at the very least, as I'm sure you all know, so I piled all those, and my shoes and a blanket on the washer, ready to grab, on my way by. Then we went and sat in front of the TV, watching for the news on the storm...I stopped worrying a little when we saw that it was most likely east of town, instead of west (we are two miles west). We still stayed up, watching till the worst of the storm was over. Here is a story of the damage that was done in a town to the east of ours. It doesn't sound like it is near as bad as it could have been, thankfully.
I'm so lucky to have a watchful DH, he usually gets up, and makes sure a storm isn't BAD, and lets me sleep (if I can), unless there is actually something to worry about. He is a great protector, at least as much as humanly possible. He doesn't sleep well, way to much of the time, but the nights we have storms, he gets even less. Did I mention how lucky I was? LOL He even tried to call the neighbor up the road, to warn them, but they didn't answer the phone, he worries about them, as they are an older couple, and we love them. I guess they slept right through everything...the storm and the phone, and didn't know there was a storm, or a tornado warning. DH talked to them this morning and found this out. LOL Its a good thing the tornado wasn't right here!!
While I was scrappin' this morning, I happen to look out my window, just in time to see some of the goats crossing the creek, that runs through the pasture they are in. I thought it was comical, how they would jump up in an high arch over it, especially the baby, that I watched. It was high jumping, to stay out of the water, and was really cute. Then along comes our little laid back billy, ambling down to the creek, I'm sure he must have gotten in the water some, cause he jumped a little, but not much, to cross it. While there has been a nice amount in it all spring, now I'm sure its bigger, after the 3+ inches of rain (according to our neighbor, as our rain gage still isn't out after the winter) we got last night.
Ok, guess I did my rambling first, instead of telling about the layouts! LOL These are all photo's, from last year. The first one shows our barn cats, sitting on a shelf, that's in the barn, waiting for their breakfast.
Kit Credit: Cherished by Lara Payton Sorry I couldn't find it in her store, so I can't link to it.
The 2nd layout is about finally selling our old house in Polk.
Kit Credit: Craft Scrapbooking kit by Blushbutter
The 3rd layout is about the death of an old family friend/babysitter of my DH's.
Kit Credit: Taste of Romance by Monica Larson
The 4th layout (5th one I did, but not going to post the 4th, as its of a nephew, and don't need to give his grandparents an excuse to complain, that I posted his picture on the net) is of a couple goats my Dad gave us.
Kit Credit: Happiness add on by Manu. It was a freebie on her blog. (One good thing about trying to catch up quickly with past years, is I'm using more of my freebie's I have gathering dust on my computer!!!)
The 5th layout here on my blog, is the chickens eating the cat's food. They aren't suppose to, and I shewed them away, as soon as I took the picture, but I just had to get one, because Galen has the cat's so well trained, that they don't keep them away from their food. He didn't want the cats to catch the chickens and eat them, so he would get after them, whenever he saw them stalking them, so now they usually try to avoid them...unless they are trying to eat, then they just share! LOL
Kit Credit: Sweetness of Smell add on and Happiness add on, by Manu. Again, freebie's on her blog.
The 6th layout is of a huge chicken we were given last year. When I cooked it, it was like cooking a turkey.
Kit Credit: Grandma's Kitchen, and Grandma's sitting room by Tina Williams
Layout number 7 (Home) is our Farm. Actually the view from the top of our hill (Hillbilly hill as some would call it). There may be a few changes, like different buildings or something, as we added on to the barn, since this was taken, but still the view, with all that green, is beautiful!!
Kit Credit: Twilight Vows by Irene Alexeeva She is no longer at DSP, and as far as I know, not selling anywhere else just yet. So instead of linking to her store, I'll link to her blog, so you can see what she is up to, if you want. She has some freebie's there too!!
Well I was hoping to do one more layout today (I know, 8 layouts in one day, however simple they are should REALLY be enough *giggle* Least I like most of these better than the ones I did yesterday!), but I had to catch up on e-mails, which took me a while, and now its 10 and a wall of tired just hit me, so I better quit, and go to bed. Hopefully we get to sleep all night tonight, and not have any storms keep us awake!!
I hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for your comments, both on my blog, and through e-mails!! :)
You were really busy yesterday. Lots of really nice LO's.
ReplyDeleteGlad the storm didn't give you any trouble other then loss of sleep.
I think it would be scary to wake up to a tornado warning!!! I'm glad you weren't hit!
ReplyDeleteLove the layouts! Especially the kitty ones. :D