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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Beautiful Day!

Last night I finally got a e-mail telling me why my new ssl certificate wouldn't work...yep, you guessed it, something silly I did, I'm telling you sometimes...I just have to laugh at myself. Anyway, that was such a relief to get it all fixed up, and I finally slept all night without waking up to worry about fixing it. Yippee!! LOL I have to mention that my host UCWebHost went above and beyond the call of duty, and I am most grateful. I don't think the other host company, I had thought of going with would have, so thankfully I listened to Blushbutter, and went with this company! Thanks Vanessa! :)

Anyway, today is such a beautiful day, after a cold spell, where we had freezing temps at night, its suppose to be up in the 60's & 70's during the day for a few days, which is wonderful!! I may not have another spell of doing a ton of layouts while its nice out. LOL I did do a few today, including this one with the kittens, but not near like I did a couple days last week. I had to go out for a little bit and enjoy the warmth...and am going to again, as soon as I finish this post. :)

So on that note, This is a photo that my DH took, of some of our kittens all piled together to keep warm, on top of the hay bales. I thought it was so cute!!

Kit Credit: Grateful kit and cluster pack by GiselaB Designs

I hope if you are having some beautiful weather, you are able to get out and enjoy it!! Thanks so much for your comments! :)


  1. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Yup, they sure look cozy! You can't tell it from all the fur but, there are FOUR cats in the photo.
    Nice lay-out!

  2. That certainly is a cute pile of kittens. Love the LO. Glad you got your site fixed ok and now can get some sleep.



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