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Thursday, October 30, 2008

DH's Tractor Buddy

When we went to visit my parents earlier this year, we came home with a kitten. Dad's always giving us cats, because one way or another we seem to loose them now and then. Goats step on them, wild animals get them, or they just wonder off. This cat was kinda pretty, with different color spots, and longish hair. It rode all the way over here in a box, with holes in it...and our doxie's sitting beside it tormenting it. The poor cat didn't know what to think I'm sure.

We put it in a pet taxi with food and water, when we got here, thinking the next day we would try to hold it and sooth it, before we let it go. Well the next day, DH goes out to hold it some and it grab's his finger with its teeth, and wouldn't let go...he had to let it bite for a little bit, before he could have his finger back, then he got leather gloves, before he held it. I went out and we pet it for a little while, but finally decided we better just let it go, and hope it stayed around long enough to tame down a little. We didn't figure it would ever be very tame, but if it would at least let us touch it now and then, it would be nice.

Well DH can charm almost any animal I think, because before long he had it so he could pet it while it was eating...then it let him pick it up, and now today, it follows him around like a little puppy dog, always wanting to be right where he is, and crawling all over him. Earlier this week I was outside with my camera and got some photo's of it standing on his sholders, and rubbing all over his neck, and I got some more of those this afternoon too (the first photo is one of those from this afternoon. It just can't not be on him, if he is standing still. DH has been calling her his tractor buddy, cause she always climbs up on the tractor to bug him...and has even rode it with him.

He started messing with his tractor this afternoon, and it sat down in the tractor seat to watch...

Then it decided it had, had enough of being alone, it wanted contact again, and lo and behold, her favorite human was bending over just perfect, inviting her to join him.....or so she told herself anyway! So she got up, and used his head as a stepping stone, to get to that nice flat back that looked so inviting.

She had to walk down his back, and turn around.....

Then crawl back up to just below his sholders, to look over them and see what he was doing.

Then she thinks....

"Hmmmm BORING!!!! Lets see if we can get him to pay attention to me, I wonder what he would do if I took a swipe across the back of his neck with my claws... "

"Oops, almost got caught red pawed there, guess thats not a good idea!"

*giggle* Ok, so she wasn't going to scratch him, but I thought it almost looked something like that when I saw her paw like that. I think its funny how she has to be around him and preferably on him, at all times, after she bit him when we first had her home. I thought this series of photos were so neat, so had to share...and didn't have time to scrap them, so just thought I'd share them like this. I hope you enjoyed them too. :)

Well I better get off here, I did a few simple LO's but nothing major on that front today...not interesting enough to share I guess. Besides I had to much fun with these photos I took this afternoon, to post the simple layouts. LOL

I'll be back tomorrow with more on the Digi Shop Hop Crop, and the Treasure Hunt!! Have a wonderful night/day (depending on where you are)! :)


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Great tractor and cat pics!
    Trina Ready, N Tractor Club

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    OMGoodness! Look at that kitty! Such a cutie!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    How come everyone says "cute cate, nice tractor, good story, etc, etc, but nobody mentions how good looking the guy is?

  4. *giggle* Maybe your good looks blinded them, so all they can see is the cat. :)

  5. The photos are precious. You know, animals are good judges of people. Your hubbie must be extra special.


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