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Friday, January 09, 2009

An Update.

I just wanted to give an update on our babies. Today Carmel had a baby boy, he is adorable as usual. She had trouble giving birth, because his leg was in the wrong position, so his head came out, then everything stopped. She walked around like that for a little while, (and let me tell you, it was really odd seeing this little head and the floppy ears sticking out while she walked) till DH got ahold of our neighbor, who used to have sheep, and he came down, and told him how to help her have it. He (DH) managed to reach in and push the knee that he could feel, back, and pull on it's head, and it was finally fully born. Needless to say Carmel was extremely relieved to have it over with. Baby seems to be doing fine after it's ordeal.

This first photo was really dark, so I had to lighten it quite a lot, and since I'm not real good at doing stuff like that in photo shop yet, it still looks a little off to me, but I thought it was cute, so had to share it. :) There is another closeup of him on flicker, if you want to see it.

As for Chocolate, she has been in labor all day, and had a little bubble of the sack sticking out...but still no babies. Not really surprising, after the long wait to get to that point, she has to continue to take her time. LOL Maybe she will manage to have them tonight...I would think for sure this weekend, but then we are talking about chocolate here. Once she has hers, that should leave just a couple more that could anytime...then we should have a breather, before more come due.

While I was out in the barn to see the newest baby, I had to look at the other ones too, and Showgirl's little girl was actually up walking around. She managed to climb into the hay feeder to explore it, and then when she wanted to get out, she wasn't real sure how to go about it. Finally she managed to get her front feet out, but then couldn't get her back feet the rest of the way out, till Mom gave her a nudge with her nose to help her. I thought it was kinda funny and had to laugh, but also thought it was a wonderful little glimpse into the daily life of a Mom (even though she is a goat) to see her helping her little one while she is learning. I even caught part of it with my camera, so thought I'd share that photo too. I know, I'm really easily entertained, but it was so sweet! :)

It's colder now, this morning when I went outside, I was surprised at how warm it was, but when I went out in the early afternoon the temp had already dropped with a north wind blowing. I was happy to get to the barn, to get out of the wind. LOL I guess with it still winter I shouldn't complain, its just nice to have those warmer days.

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for your comments!


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    "MOM! A little HELP, PLEASE!" It sure was funny to see mom shover her with her nose! The baby looking back made it all the more special.

  2. They are all so cute and really nice to see how mother and baby respond to each other.


  3. Oh they are so cute Deb. What sweet little face and I love their ears. I hope you had no further problems with them. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I had no idea a baby goat could be THAT cute!!!


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