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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekend happenings

First off info about these layouts. This is a trip I went on with my niece and her parents when she was almost 4. We grew up going to Minnesota, my Grandparents had a cabin up there, its where our ancestors are from...on my Grandpa's side of the family, and I always loved going there. This is the year my Uncle died, and we are going to bring some more things back from the cabin, and get a vacation in my favorite spot at the same time. This is the only time Kali was up there I think.

I've been putting off doing these two layouts cause I just didn't want to try to think of how to use so many photos...but finally decided I better buckle down and figure it out...and ended up cheating and using a couple templates! *giggle* Gotta love templates, when you are stumped...like I have been...for a neat way to do a layout! I'm thinking I should try to look for more multi photo templates, just because I usually need them. However I need a bunch for my other size of layouts too, and don't think they are made as much. :)

Kit Credits: The kit I used for both was Thank You's by Kim B. The Template for the 1st layout is by Lauri's Scraps and the one one I used for the 2nd layout is by Liz Designs.

I managed to do a little bit of designing this weekend for a change. I've been working on a kit for what...three months or so, and just can't get into it enough to get it finished. I like the colors I used in it, but there isn't any pink or purple, and I'm thinking I have a huge problem, because I started a kit this weekend, with lots of pink, and its going so much better. Its for the digishophopcrop, that is coming up again in Feb, so I have to do it, since I signed up for it...but thankfully I've managed to want to play some and had fun. I just hate to always do kits with pink or purple, cause that could get old after awhile, but I seem to do better when I do...so maybe I'll have to do that more. Sorry if you are a pink or purple hater! *giggle*

On the goat front, we had a bad weekend. Chocolate finally had her babies (I did get a few pics put on flicker of them, if you want to see them, although DH put some on this morning, so Chocolate's babies are down a little ways). The babies cried from the time they were born, and we didn't see them eating on mom, even though we worked with them trying to get them to. We even feed them from a bottle a time or two, but the day after they were born, they both died. It wasn't from lack of food, because they could have survived longer than that, without eating, but my Dad (and the neighbor) said that sometimes some will be born, and cry all the time, and then you know they probably won't make it. Its just a fact of life...although a really sad one. It hurts to hear them cry all the time, and not be able to help them. Thankfully DH does the most work with the goats, so I didn't have to always be out there hearing them, its to sad for me. I was out there some, when we were trying to get them to eat on Mom, and to get pictures, but not as much as DH was.

Chocolate wouldn't eat, even her corn, for a couple days after that, so I'm sure she was depressed. But I think she is coming around now, DH said she went out and fought for corn this morning, so that's a good sign. I would have hated to see her go down hill too.

Edit: Chocolate died the next day. It surprised me, because I thought since she had started eating that she would make it, but she didn't.

It's cold here again, no snow, least no more than flurries, but it's cold enough, DH doesn't want to spend a lot of time outside working. LOL I'm not longing for spring yet, although it would be nice to have it warmer, but I have to much to do, to want to wish away my winter months. Hopefully I can get a lot done over the next couple months, so I'm ready for spring, when I really need to get outside more. I wish I were closer to being done with my 2008 book, because Mypictales.com is having a sale on books...although I'm not sure if the book I will get is on sale or not. It would be nice if it were though! LOL Not sure if I can finish it by the end of the month or not though, cause I still have 3 month's of pic's to scrap...and one of them has quite a few photo's. Oh well, I'll get done, when I get done. :)

One reason I've had less time to scrap, is because of the photo shop classes I've been taking, but they do seem to be making me more comfortable in ps, and I'm learning how to do some things I wanted to do, so its been worth it. One of these days maybe I'll close psp for the last time, and just stick with ps...or maybe not, who knows. *giggle* I am doing the editing of my photos (like croping or lightening, or whatever I get around to doing) for flicker in ps now, instead of psp...so that's something. :)

Anyway, I better go get something else done. Have a great week and thanks so much for your comments both here and through e-mails, I appreciate them! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think these LO's are so nice. They will be wonderful for Kali to have, with so many of our Tucker ancestors having come from there, and the storys they left us.



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