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Sunday, February 22, 2009

One kit call & Super Goat


First of all I wanted to let anyone who might want a chance to work with one of my kits, that I posted a One Kit Call at DST, you can go find out more about it here. For anyone who may not know what a one kit call is, it's like a ct call, only for one kit. Since I don't make a lot of kits I've never had a ct call, because I couldn't keep anyone very busy. So I thought once in a while I might just do a one kit call, and that way some of you can have the chance to play with some of my things, without being tied down to a team. Feel free to apply even if you are fairly new, I'm not looking for lots of experience, just real layouts, of real people and feelings, and the best part about it is I only ask for one layout per kit call I do (although I wouldn't turn down more)!! LOL You will be working with my newest kit called Country Lane, which will be in my store later this next week!

Ok, on to Super Goat

I was messing around on the computer last night, doing nothing much, when DH comes in and hands me a piece of paper. He had drawn Star and put a cape on her with the following journaling off to the side.

Faster than a speeding Billy...

Stronger than a kitty cat...

Able to leap small culverts in a single bound....


Super Goat!

I thought it was funny, so this morning while waiting for my brush lesson's to be posted, I took his drawing, extracted it, darkened the lines, got to playing and came up with this...

I just had to share it with all of you, cause I got a chuckle out of it, when he handed it to me last night. The photo he took it from is one I took a couple of days ago...

I just love it when he does stuff like that, it makes me laugh and that's ALWAYS a good thing. LOL

I hope you are having a great weekend, ours has been good so far...as you can see from my messing around in photo shop. I haven't done that for a while, usually when I am using it, it's for a purpose...and as far as I know, there is no purpose whatsoever to Super goat...just pure fun. LOL Have a great week...hopefully I'll be back with some layouts this week! Thanks so much for your comments! :)

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