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Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Stock Photos at The Dapper Doxie!!!

Thanks to a friend of mine I now have some of my photos available as Stock Photos in my store!! A friend made the suggestion a while back, and after discussing it with my DH and other family and friends I decided to give it a try with some of them. I know I should probably have thought of it myself...but as I think I've mentioned before, I'm kinda slow...not just in how fast I work. *giggle*

The "some" turned into over 100 to start with, which took me almost forever to get together, make previews for, and then get into the store. I couldn't decide what might be useful for others, so I went overboard with what I decided to start out with. *giggle* I don't know all that much about what people want in the way of Stock Photos, so I just picked some that I liked and went from there. Anyway I hope there is something in there that you like, if you are in the market for stock photos!

They can be used for Digital Scrapbooking papers, elements, cards or many other printed/digital materials for your personal or small business needs. Please read the Stock Photos TOU included in the file or posted on my site here, for more information on the do's and dont's. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about how you can use them. The photos can be used by you for small commercial uses but they are still copyrighted to me.

I have 7 categories of photos up for now, and may add more later...I'm planning on adding textures for sure, once I get some extra time. I really need to work on some layouts first though, so I can finish Kali's book and get it ordered for her. :) I got obsessed with finishing getting these done that I couldn't get into the LO mood...but now hopefully I can.

The funny part about it is, I don't have a doxie photo in the store...can you believe it? *giggle* I'm going to have to work on fixing that...but I guess it will have to wait for now.

I did put one of the flower photos in my freebie section of the store so people can try before they buy, so if you would like it you can find it here!!

Have a great day!!

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